ea0026s19.2 | Management of endocrine disease in adolescence | ECE2011
ea0026p522 | Bone/calcium/Vitamin D | ECE2011
ea0025s6.1 | Novel application of thyroid hormone analogues: thyroid hormones, thinking outside the capsule | SFEBES2011
ea0024s23 | Symposium 3 – The Beta cell | BSPED2010
ea0022s3.3 | Bone cell biology | ECE2010
ea0019p70 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2009
ea0008p14 | Clinical case reports | SFE2004
ea0008dp22 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFE2004
ea0007p21 | Cytokines and growth factors | BES2004
ea0005p111 | Diabetes, Metabolism and Cardiovascular | BES2003