Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0059ep4 | Adrenal and steroids | SFEBES2018

Adrenal lymphoma: unusual presentation with unilateral mass and hypoadrenalism

Naeem Aamir , Baskar Varadarajan

Background: Adrenal lymphomas are rare and often present with hypoadrenalism in the context of bilateral adrenal masses. We report a patient with unilateral adrenal mass and hypoadrenalism at presentation before evolving rapidly to bilateral masses proven to be a large B cell lymphoma. We discuss mechanisms of hypoadrenalism in adrenal lymphoma.Case history: A 79 year gentleman with no signifanct past medical history admitted with a 6 week history of bei...

ea0104p187 | Reproductive Endocrinology | SFEIES24

Unusual endocrine end organopathy in primary haemochromatosis

Uchupalanun Aurisa , Baskar Varadarajan

Background: Hereditary Haemochromatosis causes iron build up in various organs. Endocrine organs are a known target for iron accumulation, secondary only to the liver. Hypoparathyroidism from parathyroid involvement is a rarely recognised entity with its mechanism still not fully understood. Case Description: We report a case of a 38-year old, otherwise fit and well, male diagnosed with hereditary haemochromatosis due to family screening managed with reg...

ea0038p83 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

Artifactual hypoglycaemia: lesson from a patient with unreliable finger-prick glucose due to absent finger tips

Ang An Shing , Lee Daphne , Baskar Varadarajan

Pseudohypoglycemia has been reported in patients with Raynaud’s phenomenon, peripheral vascular disease and shock and may result from increased glucose extraction by the tissues because of low capillary flow and increased glucose transit time. We present a frail and comorbid 76-year-old lady with a long standing history of Rheumatoid arthritis/systemic sclerosis/systemic lupus erythematosis overlap syndrome complicated by Raynaud’s phenomenon. She was on long-term st...

ea0038p476 | Thyroid | SFEBES2015

Late stage Hashimoto’s or Riedel’s? A case report illustrating this diagnostic conundrum

Tang Charlene , Dissanayake Sanjaya , Baskar Varadarajan

Riedel thyroiditis, an uncommon form of chronic thyroiditis in which the thyroid gland is replaced by fibrous tissue, is difficult to differentiate from the fibrous variant of Hashimoto thyroiditis or lymphoma. We report a patient illustrating this. A 54 year old lady with a long standing goitre and 3 year history of stable hypothyroidism was referred for progressive thyroid gland enlargement over several months, dysphagia and an increasing thyroxine requirement. Clinically, s...

ea0034p129 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2014

Spontaneous hypoglycaemia induced by ACE-inhibitor: a case report

Wong Kah Fai , Baskar Varadarajan , Raghavan Rajeev

Background: Hypoglycaemia is rare in people without diabetes. Certain medications are known to cause hypoglycaemia in non-diabetic patients.Case details: A 65-year-old man with background congestive cardiac failure, previous pulmonary TB (1997), bronchiectasis and pulmonary fibrosis (long-term oxygen therapy) was admitted for exacerbation of bronchiectasis. He completed a course of antibiotics and steroid treatment. While awaiting discharge, he had two e...

ea0005p43 | Clinical Case Reports | BES2003

Cortisol producing pheochromocytoma in pregnancy

Rangan S , Baskar V , Jackson M

Adrenal incidentalomas are increasingly recognised with the use of abdominal imaging with prevalence ranging from 0.35-0.45%. The vast majority of these are benign adrenocortical adenomas. Increasingly, subclinical hypercortisolism is recognised in such cases.We describe a case of a 34-year-old asymptomatic primigravida with chance recognition of an adrenal mass during an obstetric ultrasound. Biochemical testing revealed consistently normal urinary catecholamine and eleva...

ea0077p126 | Thyroid | SFEBES2021

Conversion of Hypothyroidism to hyperthyroidism: a rare but not an uncommon phenomenon

Su Khin Kyaw Linn , Padinjakara Noushad , Baskar Varadarajan , Mahto Rajni

Background: Graves’ disease and Hashimoto’s thyroiditis are the most common autoimmune thyroid conditions. Hyperthyroidism following hypothyroidism is a rare phenomenon. Hypothyroidism was once thought to be a permanent state requiring lifelong replacement therapy but we have noted that there are increasing numbers of cases which are against this postulation. We would like to report 3 cases initially diagnosed with hypothyroidism and referred to us following developm...

ea0065p376 | Reproductive Endocrinology and Biology | SFEBES2019

Too much of a good thing – two cases of severe dilutional peripartum hyponatraemia with lessons to learn

Page Tristan , Bosworth Kate , Peers Sofia , Sukumaran Suganya , Baskar Varadarajan

Peripartum hyponatraemia is an under-recognised complication of labour and poses a risk to both mother and baby. It is typically caused by water intoxication for physiological reasons and population health trends around water intake. We have recent experience of managing 2 patients with severe symptomatic hyponatraemia. Both patients had increased their oral intake of fluid during labour as well as receiving intravenous fluids. Dilutional hyponatraemia was found to be the unde...

ea0048cp2 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2017

Scratch below the surface: you never know what you might unearth A case of suspected Di-George at 64 years of age

Robbins Timothy , Ventre Rachel , Bhudia Sunil , Baskar Varadarajan

Case history: We present the case of a 64 year old gentleman diagnosed with hypoparathyroidism following presentation with acute hypocalcemia post thoracic aneurysm surgery for aortic dissection. The etiology was felt to be a complication of thoracic surgery with possible disruption of blood supply to the parathyroid glands.Deeper investigation at a subsequent review revealed persistent hypocalcaemia predating surgery by over 10 years. This was on the ba...

ea0021p378 | Thyroid | SFEBES2009

Incidence and predictors of transient hypothyroidism or euthyroidism following radioactive iodine therapy for hyperthyroidism

Varadhan Lakshminarayanan , Nayak Ananth , Cherukuri Vijaynandini , Baskar Varadharajan , Buch Harit

Objectives: Transient thyroid hypofunction during the initial 3 months following radioiodine (RAI) therapy is well recognised with a reported incidence of 10–15%. There are no clear diagnostic criteria, often leading to management uncertainty, inappropriate diagnosis of ‘cure’ and institution of life-long thyroxine therapy. The aim of our audit was to assess the incidence and identify predictors for transient euthyroidism or hypothyroidism following administrati...