Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0032p872 | Pituitary – Clinical (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by IPSEN</emphasis>) | ECE2013

Ursodeoxycholic acid role in chronic cholecystitis progression prevention in acromegaly patients receiving somatostatin analogues

Poteshkin Yuriy , Pronin Vyacheslav , Pronin Evgeny , Kotlyarevskaya Evgenia , Morozova Maria

Introduction: Acromegaly – a serious debilitating disease resulting in decreased quality and length of life. Due to the late nature of the diagnosis, the lack of prospects for a surgical or non-radical adenomectomy leads to a somatostatin analogues (SA) treatment as primary or secondary therapy, which is a long-term, sometimes lifelong. Therefore, the question of tolerability and prevention of life-threatening complications for these patients is very important. Since the ...

ea0090ep681 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

Prediction of the receptor phenotype of somatotrophic tumors and the effectiveness of the use of the first-generation somatostatin receptor ligands (fg-SRLs) in the long-term treatment of acromegaly

Pronin Evgeny , Antsiferov Mikhail , Alekseeva Tatiana , Lapshina Anastasia , Pronin Vyacheslav

The control of acromegaly with drug therapy (DT) by fg-SRLs is achieved only in 40–50% of cases, due to the heterogeneous composition of somatotrophic tumors. In order to optimize DT stratification of clinical and immunophenotypic biomarkers which make it possible to predict the long-term effectiveness of fg-SRLs at early stages is required. The aim of the work was to assess the informativeness of pharmacotherapeutic testing (% of decrease of IGF-1 level after 3 and 6 mon...

ea0022p589 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by Novartis</emphasis>) | ECE2010

The influence of the successful treatment of acromegaly on tissue distribution and overall BMD

Poteshkin Yuriy , Pronin Vyacheslav , Sokolina Irina , Gitel Evgeniy

Acromegaly (A) is associated with the bone overgrowth and soft tissue abnormalities due to anabolic, lipolytic and sodium retaining actions of GH.Aim: To investigate the effects of medical treatment on bone mineral density (BMD) of proximal femur, lumbar spine and tissue distribution. We observed 56 patients (14 M and 42 F) with A. BMD was measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry with ‘total body’ program. The patients were treated with ...

ea0016p355 | Growth and development | ECE2008

Health-related quality of life in constitutionally tall children and adolescents

Melnitchenko Galina , Koloda Dmitry , Pronin Vyacheslav , Tiulpakov Anatoly

Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children and adolescents with constitutional tall stature (CTS).Materials and methods: Sixty-two patients (20 males and 42 females) with CTS aged 9.3–16.4 years (12.9±2.4 years, mean±S.D.) were enrolled in this study. Sixty-eight normal subjects (24 males and 44 females) aged 9.8–16.2 years (13.1±2.1 years) served as controls. The evaluation of th...

ea0022p579 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by Novartis</emphasis>) | ECE2010

The prognostic criteria for the efficiency of the long-termed administration of somatostatin analogues

Pronin Vyacheslav , Gitel Eugeny , Vasilyeva Irina , Antsiferov Mikhail , Alexeeva Tatiana , Goldman Elena , Dorofeeva Olga

The efficiency of the prolonged medical therapy of acromegaly with the somatostatin analogues (SA) strictly correlates with the initial sensitivity to the drug. Before the onset of SA therapy 114 patients with acromegaly (35 men and 79 women) aged 54 (48/61) years old (Me (25/75%) underwent the test with Octreotide (Sandostatin®): 300 μg sc within 3 days. The decrease of IGF1 level positively correlated with the age of the acromegaly onset (r=0.38) and negativ...

ea0016p374 | Growth factors | ECE2008

Pituitary hormone axes in constitutionally tall adolescents

Melnitchenko Galina , Koloda Dmitry , Pronin Vyacheslav , Tiulpakov Anatoly , Gitel Evgeny , Ordzhonikidze Zurab , Pavlov Vladimir , Preobrazhensky Vladimir

Objective: To evaluate the pituitary hormone axes in adolescents with constitutional tall stature (CTS).Materials and methods: About 120 patients (54 males and 66 females) with CTS aged 9.6–16.5 years (13.6±2.7 years, mean±S.D.) were enrolled in this study. Sixty-eight normal subjects (24 males and 44 females) aged 9.8–16.2 years (13.1±2.1 years), who were comparable in socioeconomic and nutritional terms, served a...

ea0014p404 | (1) | ECE2007

Fracture risk in diabetic patients

Gusova Anna , Pavlova Maria , Alekseenko Aleksey , Melnitchenko Galina , Silin Leonid , Zaytseva Natalia , Pronin Vyacheslav

Diabetes mellitus (DM) is accompanied with a variety of metabolic changes in different systems including bone. In several previous studies it was shown that DM type 1 is associated with a decreased mineral density, whereas the data regarding DM type 2 are still controversial.In the present study we examined the risk of different bone fractures in diabetic patients visiting local trauma clinic during one year (total area population 50.500). The incidence ...

ea0020p593 | Neuroendocrinology, Pituitary and Behaviour | ECE2009

ACTH-secreting bronchial carcinoid: a role of somatostatin analogues in diagnosis and treatment

Pavlova Maria , Koloda Dmitry , Pronin Vyacheslav , Zykova Polina , Harnas Sergey , Ippolitov Leonid , Egorov Alexey , Polunin Georgy , Yankin Pavel

Objective: To report a case of Cushing’s syndrome due to ectopic ACTH secretion and to evaluate role of somatostatin analogues for the localization and postoperative treatment of adrenocorticotropin-secreting bronchial carcinoid tumor.Methods: We describe the clinical presentation of our case and discuss its management.Results: A 57-year-old woman presented with symptoms and physical findings strongly suggestive of Cushing syn...

ea0099p328 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2024

Cytological, immunological and radiological predictors of the efficacy of first-generation somatostatin receptor ligands (fg-SRLs) in patients with acromegaly

Pronin Evgeny , Antsiferov Mikhail , Petraikin Alexey , Pronin Vyacheslav , Alekseeva Tatiana , Lapshina Anastasia , Selivanova Lilia , Khoruzhaya Anna , Tamaeva Safi

Taking into account heterogeneity of somatotrophic tumors (STs), intragroup differential diagnostics is of practical importance, since it allows to predict scenario of acromegaly clinical course, as well as the efficacy of secondary drug therapy (DT).The aim of this study was to determine prognostic power of cytological, immunological&radiological predictors of sensitivity/resistance to fg-SRLs in patients with pure somatotropinomas.Materials and Met...

ea0063p284 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology 1 | ECE2019

The assessment of octreotide suppression test, ihc- and mr-structure, mr-signal of gh-producing pituitary adenoma for determining the prognosis of disease and management.

Pronin Vyacheslav , Zherebchikova Kristina , Malysheva Alena , Kozhevnikov Alexander , Kalinin Pavel , Astafina Lyudmila , Rotin Daniil , Vorontsov Alexander , Ambrosimov Alexander , Grigoriev Andrei , Shishkina Lyudmila , Pronin Eugeny , Azizyan Vilen , Godkov Ivan , Belysheva Elena , Demidova Tatiana , Poteshkin Yury

Introduction: A growth hormone-secreting pituitary adenoma (GH-PA) increases the risk of complications and death. It’s management is determined by MRI data and decrease of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) during the octreotide suppression test (OST). Currently, there is evidence that MRI-T2-hypointensive somatotropinoma and high expression of somatostatin receptors type 2 (SSTR2) according to immunohistochemical analysis (IHC) predict high efficacy of somatostatin ana...