Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2007) 14 P247

ECE2007 Poster Presentations (1) (659 abstracts)

An examination of the prevalence of IDF and ATPIII defined metabolic syndrome: towards population based screening

Deirdre Waterhouse , Jayant Sharma , Frances Sheehan & Donal O’Shea

St Vincent’s University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.

Introduction: Despite the significant associated cardiovascular morbidity, as well as the significant economic implications, little consideration has been given towards population screening for the Metabolic Syndrome (MetS). Therefore, we wished to estimate the prevalence of MetS, using both the recently published IDF, as well as the previously defined Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III (ATPIII), criteria. Additionally, we hypothesised that simple, inexpensive anthropometric measurements offer an effective means of population based assessment for MetS.

Methods: 1716 participants (1026 males, 690 females) underwent full cardiovascular assessment over a twelve month period, including detailed questionnaire, measurement of waist circumference, BMI calculation, sphygomanometry and fasting glucose and lipid profiling. Subsequently, the prevalence of the MetS was defined in accordance with both the IDF and ATPIII definitions.

Results: The prevalence of the MetS was 21.4% (n=368) and 13.2% (n=227) in accordance with IDF and ATPIII criteria respectively. Subjects identified using IDF criteria had significantly lower waist circumference (P=0.006) as well as significantly increased HDL cholesterol (P=0.008) when compared to the ATPIII cohort.The prevalence of IDF defined central obesity in our cohort was 56.8% (n=975); of these 37.5% (n=368) had MetS. The prevalence of MetS within this obese hypertensive cohort was 57.3% (n=328). Thus, concurrent central obesity and hypertension would identify 89.1% of the total IDF defined MetS in the population.

Conclusion: When compared to the previous ATPIII criteria, the IDF definition identifies an additional cohort of individuals with metabolic risk factor clustering despite a significantly leaner waist circumference. This leads to a higher prevalence of IDF-defined MetS. Finally, the coexistence of central adiposity and hypertension was noted in the majority of patients with MetS. This simple dysanthropometric phenomenon may potentially be used as an inexpensive means of population assessment for MetS.

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