Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P171

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Comparative endocrinology (8 abstracts)

Effects of dietary advanced glycation end products on endocrine and metabolic parameters of women with polycystic ovarian syndrome

Evangelia Tantalaki 1 , Christina Piperi 2 , Katerina Koulouri 1 , Sarantis Livadas 1 , Giouli Argyrakopoulou 1 , Fragkiskos Economou 1 , Giorgos Mpoutzios 1 , Athanasios Papavassiliou 2 & Evanthia Diamanti-Kandarakis 1

1Endocrine Section, First Department of Internal Medicine, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece; 2Department of Biological Chemistry, Medical School, University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

In female rats, diet enriched in advanced glycation end products (AGEs) has been associated with increased serum testosterone levels and deposition of dietary glycotoxins in ovarian tissue.

Women with PCOS present increased serum AGE levels, which are acutely elevated after intake of a single meal high in AGE content. In this study the effects of a hypocaloric diet and an AGE-enriched hypocaloric diet were investigated, on the endocrine and metabolic profile of PCOS women.

Eleven women with PCOS, defined by Rotterdam criteria, were assigned for two months to a hypocaloric regular diet followed by two months of a hypocaloric AGE-enriched diet. At the end of each period endocrine parameters were determined.

PCOS women on hypocaloric diet showed a significant reduction on BMI (P=0.0276), which was followed by a significant reduction on HOMA (P=0.0035), but not significant changes on AGEs (P=0.6073) or Testosterone concentrations (P=0.7857). In post hypocaloric-AGE-enriched diet, without significant changes in BMI (P=0.29) and HOMA (P=0.1560), testosterone levels (P=0.0007) were increased in comparison to their status during hypocaloric diet and to baseline. Additionally, the difference of AGEs levels from hypocaloric diet to high AGEs diet were significantly higher (P=0.0312).

Increased dietary intake of AGEs in hypocaloric diet is associated with significant increases in androgen levels, contributing to abnormal hormonal profile in women with PCOS. Since in the ovarian compartments from polycystic ovarian tissue the AGE and their receptor RAGE have been determined immunochemically, the role of dietary AGEs in PCOS needs to be explored.

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