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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P186

Virgen Macarena Hospital, Seville, Spain.

Objectives: To evaluate satisfaction with treatment in diabetic patients under therapy with inhaled insulin (exubera).

Material and methods: Thirty-seven diabetic patients were evaluated, 27DM1 (75%) and 9DM2 (25%) that initiated treatment with Insulin inhaled (EXUBERA) between August and October 2007. Twenty-five men (69.4%) and 11 women (30.56%), between 18 and 71 years old (38.4±16.4) and with a time of evolution of diabetes between 0 and 47 years (13.9±9.9). They presented an HbA1c average: 8.13±2.1%. They filled the DTQ1s before beginning the treatment (group 1/G1) and 1 month later (group 2/G2). It was made a non-parametric test to match the results (Wilcoxon).

Results: Eight aspects were valuated that patients had to score in a scale between 0 and 6. Satisfaction with present treatment: G1 3.50±1.1, G2 5.83±3.8, P<0.001. Frequency of hyperglycemias G1 3.02±1.8, G2 1.80±1.5, P<0.01. Frequency of hypoglycemias G1 1.6±1.6, G2 1.27±1.6 non significance. Convenience of treatment G1 4.44±1.5, G2 5.77±0.4, P<0.001. Flexibility of treatment G1 4.33±1.6, G2 5.19±0.9, P<0.001. Knowledge of diabetes G1 4.58±1.5, G2 5.52±0.6, P<0.001. Recommend treatment to other G1 3.72±1.4, G2 6.0±0.0, P<0.001. Disposition of continuing treatment G1 2.22±1.8, G2 6.0±0.0, P<0.001.

Conclusions: Diabetic patients showed more satisfaction with the inhalated insulin therapy than with their previous treatment. There were no significant differences in the perception of hypoglycemias but they did appreciate less episodes of hyperglycemias. The greater satisfaction with inhaled insulin therapy is shown by the disposition to continue the treatment and to recommend it to other patients.

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