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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P187

Virgen Macarena Hospital, Seville, Spain.

Objective: To study the improvement of metabolic control and patients satisfaction with glucose continuous monitoring systems (Guardian real time).

Material and method: Fifteen DM1 patients studied (age: 33.8±13.40, years of evolution: 17.06±11.32) in intensive treatment (5 multidoses, 10 insulin pump) which were made one 4 days long blind monitoring Period 1 (blind period) with sensor CGMS Gold. Next another monitoring was made with a real time system with alarms of hyperglycemia and hypoglycemia, Guardian RT, Period 2 (real time period). These 2 monitorings were consecutive in each patient, establishing in the second period the levels of alarm of hypoglycemia in 50 mg/dl and hyperglycemia in 200 mg/dl. We studied in both periods: average glycemia, glycemia variability, percentage of time in hyperglycemia (>180), normal glycemia and hypoglycemia (<70). A satisfaction questionnaire about the systems of continuous monitoring was made.


Period 1 (blind)Period 2 (R.T)P
Average glyc157.17±34.30 (110–224)137.49±21.99 (115–203)0.053
Variability73.72±19.60 (38–103)48.23±13.20 (25–75)<0.005
% High32.56±19.25 (7.0–75.0)19.90±13.87 (1.23–56.03)<0.05
% Euglycemia55.49±17.79 (25.0–86.0)74.98±14.22 (43.97–98.77)<0.005
% Low11.94±8.04 (0.00–29.00)5.10±5.16 (0–17.00)<0.005
Recommendable system5.1<0.,054.1
Interferences with
Social life1.1<0.052.1
Physical activity2.7NS3.1
Sexual life2.5<0.053.5
Sleep quality1.5NS2.3

Conclusions: We observed during the monitoring in real time:

– Longer time in normal glycemia with less frequency of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

– Smaller glycemia variability.

The monitoring in real time could be useful tool at the time of assuring a better metabolic control and to diminish the exhibition to hypoglycemias.

GURADIAN RT did not generate greater anxiety than the GCMS interfering to a lesser extent in the daily life of our patients.

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