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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P194

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (90 abstracts)

Relationship between admission blood glucose (ABG) and homocysteine (HC) levels in patients with acute coronary syndromes (ACS)

Maria Kurowska , Marta Dudzinska , Iwona Kaznowska-Bystryk , Jerzy S Tarach , Janusz Kudlicki & Joanna Malicka

Medical University, Lublin, Poland.

Introduction: The admission glucose may be a predictor of survival and is independently associated with infarct size and higher mortality in patients with ACS. Hyper-homocysteinemia in patients with ischaemic heart disease represents a strong predictor of vascular morbidity. The role of glucose increase above normal levels in non-diabetic patients with ACS is not adequately defined. The aim was the assessment of dependence between admission blood glucose and homocysteine concentrations in patients with ACS.

Material and methods: Ninety-two pts (33F; 59 M), aged 34–82 mean 63.5±12.0 years. In whole group, there were 20 (21.7%) pts with previously diagnosed diabetes. In the time of admission into Intensive Care, glucose and homocysteine levels applying chemiluminescence method (IMMULITE, DTC) in the venous blood had been measured.

Results: In the whole group, myocardial infarct was diagnosed in 52 (56.5%) pts and ACS without acute cardiac necrosis in 40 pts. Mean admission glucose and homocysteine levels in diabetic patients group were 163±62.8 (range 86–264) mg% and 13.1±6.5 (range 6.9–34.3; F 13.8±8.3; M 12.6±4.8) μmol/l respectively. Merely in 12 (16.4%) non-diabetics with ACS admission glucose level didn’t exceed 100 mg% (group 1). Mean level glucose and HC in these group was 95.7±3.8 mg% and 12.2±2.6 (F10.9±2.5; M 12.9±2.4) μmol/l, respectively. In the other patients without previously diagnosed diabetes: in 27 (40%) subjects randomly measured glycemia at admission ranged from 101 to 130 mg% (mean 112.1±8.1 mg%) and mean HC 13.8±5.8 (F 13.9±4.9; M 13.7±6.3) μmol/l (group 2); in 16 (21.9%) patients between 131 and 160 mg% (mean 139.9±7.2 mg%) and HC 15.6±6.4 (F 16.3±4.9; M 15.4±7.0) μmol/l (group 3); in 18 (24.6%) above 160 mg% (mean 201.6±34.1) and HC 18.0±9.8 μmol/l (F 17.4±12.8; M 18.5±8.0) (group 4). The myocardial infarction was diagnosed in the 25; 51.8; 56.3 and 72.2% patients of studied groups without diabetes and in 70% of diabetics.

Conclusion: The higher levels of ABG have been connected with the higher HC blood levels as well as with the higher percentage of patients with myocardial infarction.

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