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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P195

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases (90 abstracts)

K121Q PC-1 gene polymorphism is not associated with postpartum type 2 diabetes in gestacional diabetes mellitus patients

Jiménez González Amalia , Fornieles González Constanza , Yeste Doblas M a Carmen , Escobar Jiménez Fernando & Fernández Soto M a Luisa

Hospital Universitario ‘San Cecilio’, Granada, Spain.

Women suffering gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are a risk group for type 2 diabetes. The genetic determinants are not widely known and controversial data exists about association between K121Q PC-1 gene polymorphism and early type 2 diabetes and/or IR.

The aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between K121Q PC- 1 gene polymorphism and the glucose metabolic alterations, IR or metabolic syndrome in GDM women in the postpartum period.

Patients and methods: Fifty-seven women with previous GDM were reclassified by means of oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) in the early postpartum using diagnostic criteria of NDDG. Anthropometric and biochemical parameters and systolic and diastolic BP were studied. K121Q PC-1 polymorphism was studied by PCR amplification of the gene ENPP1 (exon4), including the c.361 position which represents the place for the K121Q nucleotide changes. SPSS 12.0 v.s. was used as statistical analysis.

Results: The different genotypes prevalence are shown on table. No significant differences in K121Q polymorphism have been found between the group of patients with glucose intolerance and the patients with normal tolerance.

Allelic frequenciesNormal (n=34)Intolerance (n=23)
GenotypePrevalence %
Position c.361Codon 121AA121
A/A (no mutation)AAGK22 (65%)17 (74%)
C/C (homozygosis)CAGQ3 (9%)1 (4%)
A/C (heterozygosis)AAG/CAGK/Q9 (26%)5 (22%)

There were not statistical differences in anthropometric and biochemical parameters between patients with and without the presence Q allele.

Conclusion: The results showed that the K121Q PC-1 gene polymorphism is not associated with type 2 diabetes or glucose intolerance in women with previous GDM.

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