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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P349

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Growth and development (14 abstracts)

Population-based data of quality of life assessment of growth hormone deficiency in adults (QoL-AGHDA)

Joern Moock 1 , Christin Albrecht 2 , Henry Voelzke 1 , Matthias Nauck 3 , Maria Koltowska-Haggström 4 , Thomas Kohlmann 1 & Henri Wallaschofski 2

1Institute for Community Medicine, Greifswald, Germany; 2Department of Gastroenterology, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Greifswald, Germany; 3Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Greifswald, Germany; 4Pfizer Endocrine Care, Sollentuna, Sweden.

Objective: Age- and gender-specific reference values for quality of life (QoL) measures are important to assess the impact of growth hormone deficiency (GHD). The objective of this study was to develop population-based data for the QoL-AGHDA instrument for Germany and to compare this data with corresponding Qol-AGHDA scores of the German KIMS cohort during growth hormone treatment, to investigate the association between the Qol-AGHDA score and the IGF-1 values in the German KIMS cohort as well as in the background population.

Design: For the purpose of this study, a questionnaire was developed that contained the QoL-AGHDA as well as questions recording an individual’s general situation and social functioning. The questionnaire was sent out to a sample of 3,925 individuals drawn from a cross-sectional study in Germany. Corresponding data for 651 patients were retrieved from the German KIMS cohort. Moreover, the association between the Qol-AGHDA score and the IGF-1 values in the KIMS cohort as well as in the background population were analysed.

Results: The mean QoL-AGHDA scores for the general population were 4.5 (4.6) for men (women), respectively, compared with 8.8 (9.1) for KIMS patients before starting growth hormone replacement. For both males and females differences in mean QoL-AGHDA scores between general population and patients were statistically significant for all age categories (P<0.05). In the general population, the mean QoL-AGHDA score for each category of self-assessed health status increased progressively, indicating a poorer QoL as health status declined.

Conclusions: This study reports QoL-AGHDA scores for a population-based sample of Germany and confirms the extent of QoL impairment in patients with GHD in comparison with the general population.

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