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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P363

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Growth factors (15 abstracts)

Does administration of octreotide acetate prevent development of diabetic nephropathy? an ultrastructural evaluation of the effects of octreotide acetate on kidney tisssue in Streptozotocin induced diabetic rats

Selen Bahçeci 1 , Yusuf Nergiz 1 , Mithat Bahceci 2 & Murat Akkus 1

1Department of Histology and Embrylogy, Diyarbakir, Turkey; 2Department of Endocrinology, Diyarbakir, Turkey.

Background and aims: Growth hormone and insulin-like growth factors to be involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic kidney disease. The aim of this study was ultrastructural evaluation of octreotide acetate on kidney tissue in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats.

Material and methods: Twenty-four male Spraque–Dawley rats divided into 3 groups; control (C), diabetic (D) and diabetic with octreotide aceatate (DO). The all diabetic rats were treated with 4 IU/d human insulin. Octreotide acetate at the dose of 400 μg/kg per daily was applied intraperitoneally in DO groups rats. All rats were followed for a month and sacrified after cardiac blood samples were obtained. Both kidneys of all rats were obtained and weighted. All thin sections were stained with uranyl acetate and lead citrate and were examined by JEOL-TEM-1010 electron microscope and photo samples were obtained.

Results: Mean kidney weights of diabetic rats was higher than control rats (1.15±0.12 and 1.68±0.26 g respectively, P<0.001). Mean kidney weights of diabetic rats plus octreotide was also higher than control rats (1.29±0.11 g, P<0.02). Ultrastructural findings of kidney were normal in control group. On the contrary, invagination in podocyte nucleus, dilation in golgi cystern and tubulus, obliteration in pedicel and capillary fenestrata were seen in diabetic (D) group. In octreotide (DO) group; a marked increment in mesangial matrix, dissociation among proximal tubulus cells and thickening in glomerular basement membrane were determined.

Conclusions: Experimental diabetes mellitus may lead to ultrastructural lesions in kidney tissue in even relatively early period of diabetes, and although there was little beneficial changes, a long acting somatostatin analoque, octreotide acetate, could not prevent development of diabetic nephropathy.

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