Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P492

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Obesity (94 abstracts)

Metabolic and hormonal patterns in men under the age 40 years with obesity and metabolic syndrome

Nikolai Goncharov , Gulinara Katsya & Nina Chagina

Endocrinology Research Center, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Objectives: To assess the androgens profile (total testosterone (TT),free testosterone (fT), SHBG, and DHEA-sulphate), cortisol, aldosterone, insulin, and leptin in patients with obesity (OB), metabolic syndrome (MS) and healthy men (HM).

Subjects and methods: Group 1: 26 men with obesity, age 30±6 years. BMI 27–35 kg/m2. Group 2: 34 men with MS, age 31±6 yrs. BMI 30–36 kg/m2. Group 3: 20 healthy men, age 28±5 yrs, BMI 20–24 kg/m2. All antropometrical parameters such WC,HC, and WC/HC ratio were determined. Additionaly we used MRT. All biochemical variables (glucose, spectrum of lipids) were measured by standard methods. The levels of TT, DHEA-S, SHBG, insulin and leptin were measured in serum the using validated direct immunoassay method. Aldosterone was measured by RIA.

Results: Significant association between antropometric, metabolic and hormonal parameters was found. There was a progressive decline of plasma TT with increasing obesity, particularly in men with MS. There were no differences in cortisol levels between the groups.

Indices (Me)MsObesityHealthy
TT nmol/l11.214.821.9
fT pmol/l258280372
SHBG nmol/l243540
Insulin μIU/ml1474
Leptin ng/ml26145
DHEA-S nmol/l284139254617
Aldosterone pmol/l459335244

Conclusion: Multivariate regression analyses shows that many predictive factors of variability in plasma TT levels are directly or indirectly related to SHBG in patients with MS. If plasma TT levels were included in the classification of diagnostic ATP III criteria, it would improve identification of MS from 79 to 85% among patients with obesity. Changes in aldosterone levels go in parallel with increasing insulin and decreasing testosterone levels. Possible mechanisms of the above associations will be discussed.

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