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Endocrine Abstracts (2017) 49 EP1419 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.49.EP1419

1‘C.I.Parhon’ National Institute of Endocrinology, Bucharest, Romania; 2SOFTWIN S.A, Bucharest, Romania; 3Universite Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne, Paris, France; 4‘Carol Davila’ University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania; 5Faculty of Biology, University, Bucharest, Romania.

For over 50 years the casuistic of patients with thyroid cancer registered in the Nuclear Medicine Department of the National Institute of Endocrinology in Bucharest, Romania, has over 12 000 cases. In the last 6 years, a total of 2580 new cases have been added. They are organized in a ‘classic file’ format. As a necessity and the first step in order to build a digital national database, we developed the BIOMAT-ENDO software as a Windows Forms application that stores all the main data regarding the patient hospitalized in the department, starting with the first hospitalization, continuing with all the periods of radioiodine therapy and the follow up. The patient-monitoring MODULE contains: clinical parameters, surgery details, in vivo and in vitro investigations, therapy information. Correlations can be done between any input data. We present preliminary results on 2000 cases of patients with thyroid cancer digitalized during one year in this database. We used the Structured Query Language in order to verify the functionality of the system, the correctness of the existing data and for some preliminary statistics. Results shows the following distributions: onset disease age: < 18 year: 3%; 19–45 year: 37%; 46–65 year:42%; >66 year:18%; genders: F:84%; M:16% M, area distribution: urban:74%; rural:26%, personal history: multi nodular & nodular goitre: 81%, Graves’s 1%, Hashimoto: 1%; no history:16%, risk factors: endemic area:70%; non-endemic area:30%, histopathology: papillary/follicular:30%; papillary: 28%; follicular: 17%; micro-carcinoma: 20%; others: 5%. Preliminary results on a target group with the onset disease age <18 years (n=58) show the following distribution on: TNM: T1:7%; T2:14%; T3:19%; T4:5%; unclassified: 9% and on disease stage: STD1:57%; STD2:4%; STD3:23%; STD4a:10% and STD 4b:6%.

Volume 49

19th European Congress of Endocrinology

Lisbon, Portugal
20 May 2017 - 23 May 2017

European Society of Endocrinology 

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