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Endocrine Abstracts (2021) 73 AEP382 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.73.AEP382

1Reina Sofía University Hospital, Endocrinology and Nutrition, Córdoba, Spain; 2Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research of Cordoba (IMIBIC), Córdoba, Spain


Patients with neuroendocrine neoplasms (NENs) might present with malnutrition due to the tumor itself and/or its treatment. Poor nutritional status and weight loss can lead to poor outcomes, including decreased quality of life, increased complication rates and mortality. Ghrelin is an orexigenic hormone, which is implicated in appetite regulation, body weight, inflammation and immune cell activation. Its gastric secretion mainly depends on the nutritional status of the body, consequently, it may affect the clinical evolution and prognosis of these patients.


To evaluate nutritional parameters of patients with gastroenteropancreatic (GEP)-NENs and to explore the influence of the mRNA expression of some ghrelin system components in the nutritional status of GEP-NENs patients and their clinical outcomes.


Clinical data of 104 patients was collected. The mRNA expression of some ghrelin system components was determined using qPCR in 64 tumor samples. Statistical analysis was performed with SSPS v.24.


In our cohort, decreased BMI was associated with relapsed disease and decreased albumin with increased mortality(P < 0.05). Patients who currently remain disease-free had increased BMI at diagnosis compared with patients with active disease (P < 0.05); the survival rate in our cohort was 95 months. The presence of metastasis at diagnosis tended to related with BMI and serum LDL levels. Almost one third of patients (27.8%) presented altered nutritional parameters at diagnosis. Patients with gastric NENs tended to present with lower levels of serum ferritin, lymphocites and total cholesterol compared with other locations. The molecular tumor expression of ghrelin tended to correlate with some nutritional parameters including weight at diagnosis, serum ferritin, total cholesterol and LDL levels.


BMI, serum nutritional parameters and the molecular expression of some ghrelin system components might be related with the clinical evolution of GEP-NENs patients. Routine nutritional evaluation and early nutrition intervention should be implemented to improve the outcome in these patients. Further studies are still required.

Volume 73

European Congress of Endocrinology 2021

22 May 2021 - 26 May 2021

European Society of Endocrinology 

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