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Endocrine Abstracts (2023) 90 P51 | DOI: 10.1530/endoabs.90.P51

ECE2023 Poster Presentations Calcium and Bone (83 abstracts)

Osteoporosis issues & Complementary Medicine: Three years Experiences in Asian population

S Pal 1 , T Roy 1 & G Kumari 2

1SFCCP, Med, Meerut, India; 2Tnm Hosp, Mumbai, India

Issues: No specific centre in asia for Osteoporosis patients treatment/rehabilitation. We used locally available Complementary Indian Medicines [CAM] for providing home based care in rural/tribal areas.

Aims: To provide CAM to poor patients in collaboration with Traditional-faith-hearers. Evaluated cost-efficacy of CAM & response of pain of fractures to CAM alongside analgesics.

Methods: from April 2014 to November 2018, 122 patients [n=122] of RA aged 34-67 years enrolled. 68% females, 32% males. 43% returned to villages after prolonged therapy in city hospitals on allopathic drugs. 12% physical deformities. self report questionnaire distributed to patients attending NGO clinics Our NGO nurses treated patients with TFH in providing CAM. Mud therapy 21%, Bach-flower remedy 40%, Accupressure/Accupuncture 57%, Hydrotherapy 24%, Hypnotherapy 75%, ayurvedic therapy 82%, 26% on Unani Medicines, 61% on Homeopathic medicines, 72% on Herbal-Oil-TFH massage therapy, 58% Aromatherapy.

Results: We treated patients in 16 sessions CAM. feedback Performa given to subjects & responses evaluated periodically to modify treatment methodology. Our NGO module in functioning stages shown graphically to IOF-2010 conference participants. Average pain recorded weekly on a scale of 1 to 10. mean score pain fell from 8.2 (SD 1.4) to 3.8 (SD 2.7) points, which is highly significant (P<0.001). Symptom relief(n=90), Gr-1 wanting to find alternatives to drugs(n=95). Cost of CAM 52% cheaper compared to Allopathic medicines & islocally & has high acceptance

Conclusion: 122 of patients used & preferred CAMs. Cost wise cheaper & patient compliance better. 12 % dropped out of sheer frustration/fatigue. Patients need Psychosocial-Rx, Palliative-care-centers. Realizing divergent versions of CAM, multicentre study on this burning issue must be carried out. At ECE-2023 We shall form group with researchers from USA/Europe to substantially improve CAM approach. We NGO-representatives from developing nations need exposure to research technicalities/methodologies used by European/American experts in management of osteoporosis. This is indeed possible by my participation at 2023 ECE congress

Volume 90

25th European Congress of Endocrinology

Istanbul, Turkey
13 May 2023 - 16 May 2023

European Society of Endocrinology 

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