Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology
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45th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association (ETA) 2023

45th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association ETA 2023

Oral Session 11: Autoimmunity / Hyperthyroidism

ea0092op-11-01 | Oral Session 11: Autoimmunity / Hyperthyroidism | ETA2023

Effect of gluten-free diet on autoimmune thyroiditis progression in patients with no histological confirm of celiac disease: a meta-analisys

Piticchio Tommaso , Frasca Francesco , Malandrino Pasqualino , Trimboli Pierpaolo , Carrubba Nunzia , Tumminia Andrea , Vinciguerra Federica , Frittitta Lucia

Background: Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) is the most common autoimmune disease worldwide. Prevalence of celiac disease (CD) is higher in HT patients and HT is the most prevalent coexisting disease in CD patients. In the last years, interest about gluten free diet (GFD) has increased for its supposed extraintestinal anti-inflammatory effect, so many patients with HT initiate GFD on their own.Objectives: Aim of this meta-analysis is to examine all qua...

ea0092op-11-02 | Oral Session 11: Autoimmunity / Hyperthyroidism | ETA2023

Systematic assessment of polyautoimmunity in patients with established lymphocytic thyroiditis

Centanni Marco , Stramazzo Ilaria , Capriello Silvia , Flavia Bagaglini Maria , Giulia Santaguida Maria , Gargano Lucilla , Brusca Nunzia , Virili Camilla

Background: The association of autoimmune thyroiditis (AIT) with nonendocrine autoimmune disorders has been reputed for long time as a variant of type 2 polyglandular autoimmune syndrome (PAS2). Nowadays, it is framed in the picture of polyautoimmunity and its relevance is owed to its prevalence, far higher than PAS 2, and its expanding galaxy. Systematic studies on this field are rather scanty and mostly based only on the presence of circulating antibodies. Our study has been...

ea0092op-11-03 | Oral Session 11: Autoimmunity / Hyperthyroidism | ETA2023

Effects of acute triiodothyronine treatment in patients with anterior myocardial infarction undergoing primary angioplasty: does infarct size matter?

Pantos Constantinos , Grigoriou Konstantinos , Trikas Athanasios , Pissimisis Evangelos , Stougiannos Pavlos , Dimopoulos Antonios , Linardakis Sarantos , Alexopoulos Nikolaos , Evdoridis Costas , Gavrielatos Gerasimos , Patsourakos Nikolaos , Papakonstantinou Nikolaos , Theodosis-Georgilas Anastasios , Mourouzis Iordanis

Objectives: Triiodothyronine (LT3) administration for 48hours in patients undergone primary angioplasty showed favourable effects on cardiac function and remodelling early after myocardial infarction (Thy-Repair, EudraCT 2016-000631-40, Thyroid 2022 Jun;32(6):714-724). The present study investigated whether this beneficial effect was dependent on the severity of infarct size. The extent of infarct size is one of the main determinants of morbidity and mortality after myocardial...

ea0092op-11-04 | Oral Session 11: Autoimmunity / Hyperthyroidism | ETA2023

Comparison of long-term mortality and cardiometabolic effects of treatment for hyperthyroidism: egret study

Torlinska Barbara , Hazlehurst Jonathan , Nirantharakumar Krishnarajah , Neil Thomas G. , Abrams Keith , Boelaert Kristien

Objectives: Hyperthyroidism has been linked to long-term cardiovascular and metabolic morbidity and increased mortality. Current evidence indicates differential cardio-metabolic effects from antithyroid drugs (ATD) and definitive treatment options (radioiodine or thyroidectomy). We aimed to assess differences in mortality and cardiometabolic outcomes depending on treatment modality to better inform patient-clinician decision-making.Methods: We identified...

ea0092op-11-05 | Oral Session 11: Autoimmunity / Hyperthyroidism | ETA2023

Association between thyroid function and osteoarthritis: a population-based cohort study

Xu Yanning , Szilagyi Ingrid , Boer Cindy , Sedaghati-Khayat Bahar , Edward Visser W. , van Meurs Joyce , Chaker Layal

Background: Previous genetic and animal studies implied a potential association between thyroid hormone and osteoarthritis (OA), but this has not been confirmed in the general population. We aim to investigate whether thyroid function is associated with hand, hip or knee OA.Methods: We included 9,054 participants from Rotterdam Study with baseline measurement of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), free thyroxine (FT4) and radiographs. Joint radiographs we...