Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090ep235 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

The role of microbiome features in postprandial blood glucose response in patients with gestational diabetes

Popova Polina , Tikhonov Eugenii , Isakov Artem , Eriskovskaya Angelina , Pustozerov Evgenii , Vasukova Elena , Tkachuk Aleksandra , Anopova Anna , Kokina Maria , Degilevich Andrey , Zgairy Soha , Rubin Elad , Even Carmel , Turjeman Sondra , Pervunina Tatiana , Grineva Elena , Koren Omry

Background and Aims: The gut microbiome has been shown to differ between healthy individuals and those with diabetes and even in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). This raises the question of its role in postprandial glycemic response (PPGR). We aimed to evaluate the impact of microbiome features in PPGR in women with GDM and healthy pregnant women.Methods: We obtained stool samples for 96 pregnant women (65 GDM, 31 control), previously recr...

ea0070ep580 | Hot topics (including COVID-19) | ECE2020

Internet search engine queries on abortion and miscarriage peak after a query on missing a dose of oral contraceptive

Hochberg Irit , Yom-Tov Elad

Objective: Oral Contraceptives (OCs) are a unique chronic medication where a slip of memory may be experienced as a threat that could change the life course of a person. Internet search engine queries provide a unique access to concerns and information gaps in a large number of internet users. We sought to quantitate internet search engine queries on missing one or more doses of an OC and subsequent queries on emergency contraception, abortion and miscarriage. We also quantifi...

ea0090p349 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

Non Interventional Weight Changes are Associated with Alterations in Lipid Profile and in Trigycerides to Hdl-Cholesterol Ratio

Weinstein Shiri , Maor Elad , Kaplan Alon , Leibowitz Avshalom , Grossman Ehud , Shlomai Gadi

Background and aims: Obesity is associated with dyslipidemia through insulin resistance and adipokines secretion, and weight loss can improve obese patients’ lipid profile. Here we aimed to assess whether non interventional weight changes are associated with alterations in the lipid profile, particularly the triglycerides (TG) to high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol ratio (TG/HDL) which is an emerging marker for insulin resistance, the metabolic syndrome and an elev...

ea0081p33 | Calcium and Bone | ECE2022

Psychometric evaluation of the hypoparathyroidism symptom diary using data from two clinical trials

Nelson Lauren , Ing Steven , Rubin Mishaela , Ma Jia , Martin Susan , Sen Rohini , Ayodele Olulade

The Hypoparathyroidism Symptom Diary (HypoPT-SD) was developed for the daily assessment of key symptoms and impact of HypoPT as reported by patients with chronic HypoPT and includes 13-items: a 7-item Symptom subscale, 4-item Impact subscale, and single-item anxiety and depression scores. The current analysis was undertaken to confirm test-retest reliability and construct validity of HypoPT SD Symptom subscale scores using data collected during two open-label, single-arm studi...

ea0081p49 | Calcium and Bone | ECE2022

Extended treatment with recombinant human parathyroid hormone (1-84) in adult patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism: a phase 4 study

Rubin Mishaela , Cusano Natalie , Yin Shaoming , Tokareva Elena , Ayodele Olulade , Finkelman Richard D.

In Europe, rhPTH(1-84) is an approved adjunctive treatment for adults with chronic hypoparathyroidism that cannot be adequately controlled with conventional therapy. Here we present data from the longest rhPTH(1-84)-treated study cohort of patients with hypoparathyroidism. In a single-centre, single-arm, phase 4 study (NCT02910466), long-term rhPTH(1-84) treatment (25, 50, 75, or 100 μg/day subcutaneously) was evaluated in adults with chronic hypoparathyroidism who mainta...

ea0086p246 | Neuroendocrinology and Pituitary | SFEBES2022

A novel presentation of primary hyperparathyroidism for the Val804Met mutation

Yadav Jahnavi , Mehta Rubin , Avari Parizad , Freudenthal Bernard , Mulla Kaenat , Mistry Kieran , MacEacharn William , Cox Jeremy

Background: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN2) is a group of pleomorphic syndromes which infer a susceptibility to several endocrine conditions. The RET Val804Met mutation is classified as a moderate-risk mutation for familial medullary thyroid cancer (MTC), without the other components of MEN2 syndromes. However, here we describe a rare case of a gentleman with RET p.V804M, presenting with primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) and no evidence of MTC.<p class="abstext...

ea0063oc14.4 | Sex Hormones | ECE2019

Thyroid diseases in danish women with polycystic ovary syndrome

Glintborg Dorte , Hass Rubin Katrine , Nybo Mads , Abrahamsen Bo , Skovsager Andersen Marianne

Background: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) could be associated with increased risk of thyroid disorders. Possible associations between TSH and cardio-metabolic risk in PCOS are debated.Methods: National Register-based study on women with PCOS in Denmark. 18,476 women had a diagnosis of PCOS in the Danish National Patient Register. PCOS Odense University Hospital (OUH, N=1,146) was an embedded cohort including premenopausal women with PCOS and ...

ea0049ep735 | Diabetes (to include epidemiology, pathophysiology) | ECE2017

Gestational diabetes risk in three Israeli population subgroups

Jaffe Anat , Giveon Shmuel , Rubin Carmit , Nvokov Ilia , Ziv Arnona , Kalter-Leibovici Ofra

Objective: Israeli Ethiopian Jews (EJ) and Arabs have at reproduction age higher incidence of diabetes than other Israeli Jews. We aimed to compare gestational diabetes (GDM) risk among these population subgroups.Methods: The study cohort included age-matched EJ, non-Ethiopian Jews (NEJ) and Arab women age 20–45 years. GDM diagnosis was based on the two step screening method of 50 and 100 g oral glucose load tests. Univariate comparisons and the ass...

ea0035p12 | Adrenal cortex | ECE2014

New drugs switching off Wnt/β-catenin signaling in adrenocortical tumor cells

Rubin Beatrice , Pezzani Raffaele , Cicala Maria Verena , Iacobone Maurizio , Mantero Franco

Introduction: Adrenocortical tumors (ACT) are common diseases mostly benign, but among them, adrenocortical carcinomas (ACC) appear highly aggressive with metastatic potential. Wnt/β-catenin pathway is frequently switched on in ACT, with β-catenin greatly dephosphorylated and consequently activated. While IWR1 induces an increase in Axin2 protein levels, XAV939 inhibits tankyrase 1 and 2 (thus stabilizing Axin): both stimulate β-catenin phosphorylation and degra...

ea0032p20 | Adrenal cortex | ECE2013

Investigation of β-catenin, N-cadherin, and E-cadherin expression in adrenocortical tumors

Rubin Beatrice , Pezzani Raffaele , Cicala Maria Verena , Iacobone Maurizio , Olivotto Andrea , Fassina Ambrogio , Manteri Franco

Background: Adrenocortical tumors (ACT) are classified as adenomas (ACA) or carcinomas (ACC). β-Catenin constitutive activation is a frequent alteration in benign and malignant ACT. E-cadherin was discovered as a protein associated with β-catenin which plays a crucial role in cadherin-mediated cell adhesion. N-cadherin seems to be involved in the development of malignant ACT, but information regarding expression of N-cadherin or E-cadherin in ACT is very limited....