Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090p415 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

Synchronous multiple pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) consisting of a null cell and PIT-1 lineage adenomas: a peculiar acromegalic case report

Bruco Alessia , Zoli Matteo , Melotti Sofia , Ribichini Danilo , Pizza Gianmarco , Mao Federico , Mazzatenta Diego , Asioli Sofia , Pagotto Uberto

Pituitary adenomas constitute the third most common intracranial neoplasm. Adenoma cells either express no hormone (null cell adenoma) or hormones of different cell lineage. About 1% of pituitary adenomas shows a plurihormonal expression pattern, which may either be attributed to one cell lineage or rarely to different cell lineages. In addition, the development of separate pituitary adenomas may be observed in 0.5–1.5% of surgical specimens and in up to 10% of autopsy ca...

ea0063p1110 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology 3 | ECE2019

Isolated central hypothyroidism as a clue for empty sella syndrome

Gouveia Sofia

Introduction: Isolated central hypothyroidism is a rare disease. Acquired causes for central hypothyroidism include iatrogenic, traumatic, immunologic, infiltrative, infectious, vascular or space-occupying lesions. Empty sella may present with endocrine dysfunction, mainly hyperprolactinemia and growth hormone or gonadotropin deficiency. Few cases of empty sella associated with isolated TSH deficiency were published.Case report: A 66-years-old female wit...

ea0049n1.4 | (1) | ECE2017

Clinical practice overlap and seamless care – at risk of two endocrine emergencies: the patient with type 1 diabetes and Addison’s disease

Sjoberg Sofia

Patients diagnosed with Addison’s disease and diabetes mellitus type1, has a rare combination of two autoimmune conditions. Two diagnosis that requires a great deal of self-care. Patients have a potential risk to induce endocrine emergencies such as diabetic hypoglycemia, adrenal crisis and diabetic ketoacidosis. The lack of lifesaving hormones can put the patient in potential life threatening situations. I’ll share my experience in meeting these patients. Brief phys...

ea0034n2.4 | The journey of endocrine nursing research: from evidence based practice to independent research | SFEBES2014

Independent nursing research

Llahana Sofia

Research activities such as patient recruitment and data collection for audits and clinical trials led by physicians are common routine practice for a lot of endocrine specialist nurses, however a small percentage of them undertake independent research. Nurses are in a great position of getting research ideas of the ground that can translate back into practice and make a real difference to patient care.The aim of this presentation is to give practical ad...

ea0032en1.4 | (1) | ECE2013

GH replacement in adults

Llahana Sofia

GH deficiency in adults is associated with physical, psychological and quality of life impairment. A vast range of treatment options is available for GH and with the right device and adequate education and monitoring, patients report a significant improvement in their quality of life. A holistic approach should be adopted when deciding on a treatment regime for GH, which takes into consideration the patient’s physical/cognitive ability and their social environment. The En...

ea0032n5 | (1) | ECE2013

Assessing treatment satisfaction, knowledge and adherence of patients attending a pituitary Nurse-led Clinic

Llahana Sofia

Background and aim: Polypharmacy is characteristic of endocrine conditions and patients who are satisfied and knowledgeable of their treatment have better outcomes. The aim of this study was to measure treatment satisfaction, knowledge and adherence in patients with a pituitary condition attending a Nurse-led Clinic.Methods, sample and data collection: Data were collected using a postal survey between January and March 2010 and included a total of 262 pa...

ea0056p1005 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2018

Pharmacologic interference as a contributory factor for spuriously elevated TSH levels

Gouveia Sofia

Introduction: TRH, thyroid hormones, dopamine, somatostatin and glucocorticoids have a recognized influence on TSH secretion. On the other hand, serotoninergic, histaminergic, catecholaminergic, opioidergic and GABAergic systems establish connections with hypophysiotropic neurons involved in TSH regulation; their relative contribution to TSH secretion is unknown. Still, there are a few reports of H1 receptor antagonists impact on TSH levels.Case report: ...

ea0090p17 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2023

What are the lived experiences of family and carers for adults during an acute episode of adrenal crisis: A qualitative analysis using focus group interview

Patel Deepa , Llahana Sofia

Purpose: To gain an understanding of lived experiences of the role of family and carers during an acute episode of adrenal crisis through qualitative interviews with family carers. To gain an understanding of the role of family members and cares during an acute episode and to make recommendations for future standards of care in supporting family and carers to support self-management for loved ones, and health care professionals.Methods: This study used t...