Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0031p162 | Neoplasia, cancer and late effects | SFEBES2013

Prevalence of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 syndrome in primary hyperparathyroidism

Kota Sunil Kumar , Meher Lalit Kumar , Jammula Sruti , Modi Kirtikumar D

Objective: To assess the prevalence of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) in patients with symptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT).Methods: A retrospective analysis of 75 consecutive patients with symptomatic PHPT from January 1994 to July 2012 was done, who underwent parathyroid surgery at our centre. Five patients had MEN1 syndrome. Among them one was familial MEN1. The patients with MEN1 were analyzed based on clinical presentation, bio...

ea0031p198 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2013

Inflammatory markers in diabetic foot and impact of vitamin D deficiency

Kota Sunil Kumar , Meher Lalit Kumar , Jammula Sruti , Modi Kirtikumar D

Objective: i) To evaluate plasma levels of IL6, adiponectin and resistin in subjects with diabetic foot in comparison with subjects without foot complications. ii) To assess the impact of vitamin D status on the levels of above inflammatory markers.Methods: A total 100 diabetic foot cases and 100 diabetic controls were recruited in the study. Serum level of 25OH vitamin D was estimated from the cases & controls by RIA. Serum IL6, adiponectin and resi...

ea0031p256 | Pituitary | SFEBES2013

Correlation of clinical smell test and magnetic resonance imaging of olfactory system in idiopathig hypogonadotropic hypogonadism

Kota Sunil Kumar , Meher Lalit Kumar , Jammula Sruti , Modi Kirtikumar D

Objectives: i) To measure olfactory bulbs and sulci using dedicated magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences in idiopathic isolated hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (IHH) patients with a well detailed phenotype characterization and ii) to correlate MRI findings with a clinical smell test.Methods: MRI was performed in 20 patients (all male, aged between 11 and 45 years, mean age of 26) with IHH and olfactory dysfunction was assessed using the smell identif...

ea0031p288 | Pituitary | SFEBES2013

Inflammatory markers in polycystic ovarian syndrome and their association with cardiovascular risk factors

Kota Sunil Kumar , Meher Lalit Kumar , Jammula Sruti , Modi Kirtikumar D

Objectives: To determine and compare inflammatory markers including adiponectin, visfatin and IL18 in patients with polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) 2. To find out whether adiponectin and interleukin 18 (IL18) is associated with markers of insulin resistance, hyperandrogenism and carotid intima-media wall thickness (CIMT) as a cardiovascular risk factor.Methods: This is a prospective controlled study involving 60 consecutive euglycemic patients with PC...

ea0031p357 | Thyroid | SFEBES2013

Vitamin D status in autoimmune hypothyroidism

Kota Sunil Kumar , Meher Lalit Kumar , Jammula Sruti , Modi Kirtikumar D

Objective: To investigate vitamin D status in patients with autoimmune hypothyroidism.Methods: The study group consisted of 100 patients with newly diagnosed Hashimato’s thyroiditis and 100 subjects as the control group. Parameters of calcium metabolism, thyroid function tests and 25(OH) vitamin D levels were measured.Results or Case Presentation: Mean age of the study study groups was 33.4±4.8 years with female:male=72:2...

ea0077p167 | Endocrine Cancer and Late Effects | SFEBES2021

Novel management of resistant hypoglycaemia in a patient with malignant Insulinoma

Farhan Malik Mohammad , Khalid Maha , Sivappriyan Siva , Kumar Jesse

An 82-year-old lady admitted after multiple episodes of collapse and her blood sugar levels were noted to be less than 2.0 mmol/l. A supervised controlled fasting test was performed and results were consistent with Insulinoma. Imaging revealed a mass in the tail of the pancreas with metastasis to the liver. Liver biopsy confirmed the diagnosis of a poorly differentiated neuroendocrine tumour. She continued to have hypoglycaemic episodes which were difficult to manage. Dietary ...

ea0077p257 | Thyroid | SFEBES2021

Hashimoto’s Encephalopathy: organic psychosis vs catatonic schizophrenia

Khalid Maha , Malik Mohamed , Anandappa Samantha , Sivappriyan Siva , Kumar Jesse

32 year old female with no prior past medical problems presented to hospital with a two week history of rapid onset delusional psychosis with religious themes, paranoid ideas and rapidly developing into catatonia. There was no previous history of psychiatric disorders. On physical examination the Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) was 15 and she was responding to visual hallucinations; speaking to imaginary person and reported seeing objects. She was afebrile and bedside observations we...

ea0055wc2 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland (I) | SFEEU2018

Toxic nodule: wait or treat?

Hafeez Saba , Kumar Rakshit , Velusamy Anand , Powrie Jake , Carroll Paul

68 years old female initially referred to endocrine clinic in November 2016 for assessment of fluctuating thyroid function. She had a history of long standing primary hypothyroidism, stable on treatment with 100 mcg Levothyroxine. In last one year, Levothyroxine was tapered and stopped due to persistent suppression of TSH and high normal Free T4. Last tests showed TSH of <0.01mIU/l and Free T4 of 27.1 pmol/l. She had ongoing complaints of feeling increasingly tired and gen...

ea0055wg4 | Workshop G: Disorders of the parathyroid glands, calcium metabolism and bone | SFEEU2018

Generalised convulsions as a presentation of severe hypocalcaemia secondary to Vitamin D deficiency: An uncommon presentation of a common condition

Anandappa Samantha , Rajakumar Lavarniya , Affam Dora , Sivappriyan Siva , Kumar Jesse

A 36 year old female patient presented to the emergency department with a generalised tonic-clonic seizure. She had a past medical history of epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis. Her medication prior to hospital admission was Tegretol which had controlled her seizures well for many years. On admission, the adjusted calcium level was 1.4 mmol/l with a raised ALP 508 U/l and a phosphate within the normal reference range at 1.1 mmol/l. Magnesium was also within the normal reference r...

ea0051p057 | Pituitary and growth | BSPED2017

Analysis of UK patients in PATRO children: a non-interventional study of the long-term safety and efficacy of Omnitrope in children

Kanumakala Shankar , Johnstone Helen , Kumar Yadlapalli , Heaton Josephine , Zabransky Markus

Introduction: PATRO children is an international, non-interventional, longitudinal study of the long-term safety of a biosimilar recombinant human growth hormone (Omnitrope, Sandoz). In particular, the study assesses the diabetogenic potential of Omnitrope and the risk of malignancies. The long-term efficacy is a secondary objective of the study. Here we present safety and efficacy data of UK patients recruited since 2008, following an interim analysis in May 2017.<p class...