ea0055wg2 | Workshop G: Disorders of the parathyroid glands, calcium metabolism and bone | SFEEU2018
Saqib Aaisha , Tremble Jennifer , Charles Debbie-Ann
ea0090p382 | Endocrine-related Cancer | ECE2023
Saqib Aaisha , Simo Ricard , Paul Carroll
ea0062wc3 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | EU2019
Li Adrian , Saqib Aaisha , Carroll Paul
ea0062wc9 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | EU2019
Saqib Aaisha , Li Adrian , Carroll Paul
ea0059p030 | Adrenal and steroids | SFEBES2018
Saqib Aaisha , Tremble Jennifer , Charles Debbie-Ann
ea0091wf2 | Workshop F: Disorders of the parathyroid glands, calcium metabolism and bone | SFEEU2023
Sathyanarayan Sheela , Carroll Paul , Velusamy Anand , Saqib Aaisha
ea0041ep636 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | ECE2016
Hafeez Saba , Kalk John , Saqib Aaisha , Izzat Louise
ea0091wg5 | Workshop G: Disorders of appetite and weight | SFEEU2023
Zia Rao Komal , Tharma Jasmine , Haboosh Sara , Sen Gupta Piya , Carroll Paul , Saqib Aaisha
ea0062wb1 | Workshop B: Disorders of growth and development | EU2019
Howells Lara , Saqib Aaisha , Bakhit Mohamed , Li Adrian , Joshi Mamta , Carroll Paul
ea0090p12 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2023
Gregori Maria , Carroll Paul , Thakali Sonu , Breen Louise , Velusamy Anand , McGowan Barbara , Kariyawasam Dulmini , Tremble Kathryn , Saqib Aaisha