ea0031p66 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2013
ea0062wa6 | Workshop A: Disorders of the hypothalamus and pituitary | EU2019
Jagannatha Hema , Parfitt Vernon , Bradley Karin
ea0031p385 | Thyroid | SFEBES2013
Jitan John , Triay Jessica , Bradley Karin
ea0059ep16 | Adrenal and steroids | SFEBES2018
Sabin Jodie , Carroll-Moriarty Leigh , Thorogood Natasha , Bradley Karin
ea0031p276 | Pituitary | SFEBES2013
Triay Jessica , Wynick David , Thorogood Natasha , Bradley Karin
ea0025p256 | Pituitary | SFEBES2011
Raghavan Rajeev , Mallam Elizabeth , Scolding Neil , Bradley Karin
ea0039ep77 | Late effects of cancer treatment | BSPED2015
Wei Christina , Elson Ruth , Cox Rachel , Bradley Karin , Stevens Michael , Crowne Elizabeth
ea0038p98 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015
Ghaffar Imran , Downie Paul , Ahmad Bushra , Thorogood Natasha , Thomas Paul , Bradley Karin
ea0036oc3.4 | Oral Communications 3 | BSPED2014
Wei Christina , Unsworth Rebecca , Davis Nikki , Bradley Karin , Cox Rachel , Stevens Michael , Crowne Elizabeth
ea0033oc1.4 | Oral Communications 1 | BSPED2013
Wei Christina , Thyagiarajan Manigandan , Hunt Linda , Bradley Karin , Elson Ruth , Cox Rachel , Stevens Michael , Crowne Elizabeth