ea0050cmw4.1 | Workshop 4: Graves orbitopathy: a Thyronet/ TEAMED | SFEBES2017
ea0050cmw4.1 | Workshop 4: Graves orbitopathy: a Thyronet/ TEAMED | SFEBES2017
ea0059s1.1 | Curing diabetes | SFEBES2018
ea0038s6.1 | Clinical implications of thyroid genomics (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Molecular Endocrinology</emphasis>) | SFEBES2015
ea0038d1.1 | (1) | SFEBES2015
ea0025cm1.4 | The management of difficult Graves’ disease | SFEBES2011
ea0019s67 | Thyroid disease | SFEBES2009
ea0028p235 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2012
Waheed Najeeb , Butt Muhammad , Dayan Colin
ea0021p400 | Thyroid | SFEBES2009
Raghavan Rajeev , Woltersdorf Wolf , Dayan Colin
ea0050oc2.2 | Clinical Highlights | SFEBES2017
Taylor Peter , Rajendram Rathie , Uddin Jimmy , Lee Richard , Dayan Colin