Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0099ep1183 | Thyroid | ECE2024

Iodine-induced hyperthyroidism after long-term use of povidone-iodine: a report of two cases

Stirane Laura , Preobrazenska Viktorija , Fokina Natalija , Jaunozola Lauma

A 60–year-old male and 24–year-old female presented to the endocrinologist with hyperthyroidism of unknown cause. A 60-year-old male was admitted to the Department of Endocrinology with fatigue, dyspnoea, increased sweating, and anxiety. Hyperthyroidism was diagnosed with TSH < 0.0008 mIU/l [reference range: 0.3500 – 4.9400], FT4 – 4.03 ng/dl [reference range: 0.89 – 1.76] and FT3 – 12.96 [reference range: 2.3-4.2]. The patient had a...

ea0049ep142 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2017

Secondary autonomic neuropathy in patient with polyglandular autoimmune syndrome III and type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumor: a case report

Nagaiceva Jekaterina , Fokina Natalija , Levina Karina , Mednieks Janis , Bernarde Kristine , Pirags Valdis

The polyglandular autoimmune syndromes (PAS) are rare disorders characterized as multiple autoimmune-mediated organ failure. PAS III includes chronic autoimmune thyroiditis with type 1 diabetes mellitus or pernicious anemia and/or vitiligo or alopecia and many other organ-specific autoimmune diseases, but never involves adrenal cortex. Several patients with PAS III and associated type 1 gastric neuroendocrine tumor (NET) have already been reported. We report probably the first...

ea0073aep51 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2021

Occult aldosteronoma mimicking degenerative spine disease

Sausa Sintija , Priede Zanda , Gardovskis Janis , Niciporuka Rita , Jukone Unda , Ivanova Santa , Pirags Valdis , Fokina Natalija

68 years old Caucasian women presented to the emergency department (ED) with complains of stiffness, intolerable pain in lumbosacral region and inability to walk for last two days. The common pain-relieving medications did not subdue her pain. The patient had experienced similar episodes for two years, provoked by remaining in fixed position or after having carbohydrate rich meal. Pain usually persisted for a few minutes and symptoms disappeared after light exercise. Her compl...

ea0041ep350 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2016

Improvement in acute intermittent porphyria symptoms after bilateral oophorectomy: a case report

Nagaiceva Jekaterina , Kaplja Natalija , Puzaka Ilze , Steina Liva , Fokina Natalija , Kokare Maija , Steina Sandra , Miklasevics Edvins , Pirags Valdis

Acute intermittent porphyria (AIP) is an uncommon monogenic autosomal dominant disorder with a defect in the haem biosynthesis pathway at the level of the enzyme porphobilinogen deaminase. The disease has low penetrance; most patients could stay asymptomatic throughout life. Clinical manifestation depends on various precipitants, which increase hepatic haem production and cytochrome activity. We report a case of a female patient who had regular moderate-to-severe cyclic AIP at...