ea0063s15.5 | European Young Endocrine Scientists (EYES) | ECE2019
ea0099oc13.3 | Oral Communications 13: Late Breaking | ECE2024
ea0037ep607 | Obesity and cardiovascular endocrinology | ECE2015
Kyithar Ma Pyeh , McQuaid Siobhan
ea0011p734 | Steroids | ECE2006
ea0013p88 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2007
Elrishi MA , Bradley EJ , Lawrence IG
ea0012p120 | Steroids to include Cushing's | SFE2006
Moqsith MA , El-Dalil Ashraf , Dale Jane
ea0011p87 | Clinical case reports | ECE2006
Elrishi MA , Kilvert A , Sirnivasan B , Lawrence I
ea0011p715 | Reproduction | ECE2006
Elrishi MA , Levy MJ , Howlett TA
ea0099p186 | Late-Breaking | ECE2024
Zhang Chen , Ma Shuo , Wu Guoqiu
ea0090ep649 | Endocrine-related Cancer | ECE2023
Raja Aoife , Meehan Conor , Crowley Rachel , Pyeh Kyithar Ma