ea0065mte4.1 | Fighting liver fat | SFEBES2019
Cobbold Jeremy , Tomlinson Jeremy
ea0094p265 | Reproductive Endocrinology | SFEBES2023
Calanchini Matilde , Shipley Alexandra , Cobbold Jeremy , Tomlinson Jeremy , Turner Helen
ea0044p113 | Diabetes and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2016
Marjot Thomas , Sbardella Emilia , Hazlehurst Jonathan , Moolla Ahmad , Cobbold Jeremy , Tomlinson Jeremy
ea0041gp65 | Clinical Case Reports | ECE2016
Calanchini Matilde , Moolla Ahmad , Cobbold Jeremy , Tomlinson Jeremy W , Fabbri Andrea , Grossman Ashley , Turner Helen
ea0077pl9 | Society for Endocrinology Medal Lecture | SFEBES2021
ea0086sk1.1 | Radiology for the endocrinologist | SFEBES2022
ea0049s25.3 | HPA axis regulation during a woman's life: impact on metabolic outcomes | ECE2017
ea0044cmw3.6 | Workshop 3: How do I… | SFEBES2016
ea0038cmw1.4 | Workshop 1: How do I do it? (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Clinical Endocrinology</emphasis> and <emphasis role="italic">Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports</emphasis>) | SFEBES2015
ea0034s2.1 | The upside of glucocorticoids in metabolism (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Journal of Endocrinology</emphasis>) | SFEBES2014