Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0059ep46 | Clinical practice, governance & case reports | SFEBES2018

More than meets the eye - an unusual presentation of Cushing’s syndrome with bilateral central retinal vein occlusion

Kalaria Tejaskumar , Ayuk John , Buch Harit

A 53-year old male presented to his optician with blurring of vision on the right and was diagnosed to have branch retinal vein occlusion. Over the next 6 weeks he manifested further visual impairment, initially due to right central retinal venous occlusion (CRVO) and after another 3 months left CRVO. He received intravitreal Ranibizumab injections and timolol-dorzolamide eye drops in both eyes. Soon after this, he had a hospital admission for infected submandibular gland and ...

ea0038p10 | Bone | SFEBES2015

A mutation in the calcium sensing receptor (previously known to cause neonatal severe hyperparathyroidism in the homozygote state) causing familial benign hypocalciuric hypercalcaemia in the heterozygote

Hinnie John , Gallagher Andrew , Collie Angela

Familial Benign Hypocalciuric Hypercalcaemia (FBHH) is a benign autosomal dominant condition characterised by elevated serum calcium and parathyroid hormone (PTH) and low urine calcium. It is a genetically heterogeneous disorder but the majority of cases (type 1 FBHH) can be shown to be due inactivating mutations in the Calcium Sensing Receptor (CASR). This is a guanine nucleotide-binding-protein (G-protein) coupled receptor that signals through the G-protein subunit α11 ...

ea0058dp1.1 | Diabetes Professionals Day: Session 1 | BSPED2018

Empowering type 1 diabetes patients to self-manage by embracing the digital landscape of Diasend

Pemberton John , Krone Ruth , Dias Renuka

Successful management of diabetes requires an empowered patient/family that is well-educated about their condition and feels confident to self-manage with the support of their medical team. The linchpin to assessment and effective change is the quality of available information. Most patients/families have no way of pulling all their diabetes information together efficiently, and consequently often feel helpless and do not take charge of making their therapy adjustments. Diasen...

ea0058p003 | Adrenal | BSPED2018

Differences in hydrocortisone absorption during the 24 hour period in patients with adrenal insufficiency

Hindmarsh Peter , Charmandari Lia , Honour John

Hydrocortisone therapy should be individualised in patients with adrenal insufficiency to avoid over and under replacement. We assessed hydrocortisone absorbtion at different times of day which may impact on treatment regimens. We assessed the oral absorption of hydrocortisone in 48 patients (21M) aged between 6.1 and 20.3 years with congenital adrenal hyperplasia due to P450c21 deficiency. Hydrocortisone dosing ranged between 11.5 and 22.6 mg/m2 per day in three or...

ea0058p062 | Diabetes | BSPED2018

KISS Advanced Bolus System for managing the post-prandial glycemic effect of fat and protein in young people with T1D

Pemberton John , Leal Catarina , Hilary McCoubrey

Objectives: The Diabetes Team at Birmingham Children’s Hospital modified the advanced bolus algorithm suggested by Bell (2015), to develop the KISS (Keep it Simple and Safe). KISS involves adding 25% extra insulin to meals identified as very high fat and protein, and spreading the insulin by a split bolus, 50% now and 50% over 2.5 hours. KISS also has an adjustment tool allowing extra insulin to be added and the split modified from monitoring. KISS is intended to be a sim...

ea0034p65 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2014

Spontaneous hypoglycaemia in a non-diabetic patient with insulin antibodies

Graham Una , McQuillan Laura , Lindsay John

A 58-year-old non-diabetic Caucasian man was admitted with a capillary glucose of 1.9 mmol/l following an episode of confusion and disorientation. During his admission he had frequent episodes of nocturnal and early morning hypoglycaemia with capillary glucose <3.0 mmol/l. After 21 h of supervised fasting he was symptomatic with plasma glucose 2.3 mmol/l, insulin >1000 mU/l and C-peptide 19.6 μg/l. Sulphonylurea screen was negative. Given the magnitude of serum in...

ea0034p380 | Thyroid | SFEBES2014

Suspected DVT after thyrotoxicosis

Kakad Rakhi , Haque Munirul , Milles John

We present the case of a young man who had been known to the endocrine department with difficult to control hyperthyroidism and atrial fibrillation. After a period of treatment with carbimazole, during which he missed several appointments, he was referred for radioactive iodine therapy, which was administered in January 2013. He failed to attend for follow-up appointments and continued to take carbimazole.He was subsequently referred to the acute medicin...

ea0034p422 | Thyroid | SFEBES2014

Neutrophil phagocytic capacity is lower in patients with abnormal thyroid function in critical illness

Browne Emma , Simpson John , Razvi Salman

Background: Thyroid function is affected by critical illness – termed as non-thyroidal illness – and usually presents with low serum TSH and FT3 levels but normal FT3 concentrations. Critically ill patients may also have impaired immune function that could contribute to increased susceptibility to acquired infections and mortality. Thyroid hormones influence neutrophil levels and function but the effect of non-thyroidal illness on neutrophil fun...

ea0070aep320 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2020

Euglycemic DKA after initiating an SGLT-2 Inhibitor and the P90X diet

Berquist John , Kaplan Jason , Young Tessa

Introduction: We present a case of a patient with type two diabetes mellitus (T2DM) who started empagliflozin, a sodium-glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) inhibitor and the P90X diet and presented with euglycemic DKA seven days later.Case Presentation: A male in his 5th decade of life with a history of T2DM presented for a routine office appointment and had a measured hemoglobin A1C of 9.3. His home diabetes regimen consisted of metformin and sitagliptan. D...

ea0070aep988 | Thyroid | ECE2020

Clinical scoring systems fare poorly among elderly patients in diagnosing primary hypothyroidism

Singla Varun , John Mary , Jagan Jacob Jubbin

Background: Clinical scoring systems were used traditionally in the diagnosis of hypothyroidism before biochemical diagnosis became the norm. There are two well validated clinical scoring systems (Billewicz and Zulewski) for diagnosing hypothyroidism. Both these scores were validated in younger patients with hypothyroidism and may not be useful in older patients. We conducted this study to determine the clinical utility of these two scoring systems among patients over the age ...