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Endocrine Abstracts (2008) 16 P559

ECE2008 Poster Presentations Obesity (94 abstracts)

Relation of high-sensitive C-reactive protein and metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese women

Faruk Kutluturk 1 , Taner Bayraktaroglu 2 , Adil Azezli 3 & Yusuf Orhan 3

1Gaziosmanpasa Universitiy, Tokat, Turkey; 2Zonguldak Karaelmas University, Zonguldak, Turkey; 3Istanbul University, Istanbul, Turkey.

Introduction: Elevated high-sensitive c-reactive protein (hs-CRP) in association with hyperinsulinemia, obesity, insulin resistance and high blood pressure are significant risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study is to evaluated the correlations between serum hs-CRP concentration and metabolic risk factors in overweight and obese women.

Methods: Overweight (BMI>25 kg/m2) and obese (BMI>30 kg/m2) 755 women were enrolled into the study. The patients were divided into two groups according to serum hs-CRP concentrations. The mean serum hs-CRP concentration was 3.4 mg/dl. Group I (n=371) consist of serum hs-CRP ≤3.4 mg/dl and, group II (n=384) consist of serum hs-CRP ≥3.4 mg/dl. The groups were compared for metabolic risk markers regards of cardiovascular disease.

Results: The mean serum hs-CRP concentration was 3.4 mg/dl. Weight, body mass index (BMI) waist circumference, sagital waist, body fat, blood pressure, insulin, HOMA, WBC and uric acid were significantly high in Group II compared to Group I (P<0.05) there was no difference for glucose, cholesterol, triglyceride, HDL, LDL, kreatinin, ferritin between the groups.

Conclusion: Here in this study, we defined the correlation between increment of serum hs-CRP concentrations and metabolic risk markers regards of cardiovascular risk. These data suggest that elevated plasma hs-CRP levels might be associated with CVD risk factors in overweight and obese women.

Table The comparison of different hs-CRP groups.
ParameterGroup 1 (n=371)Group 2 (n=384)t value
Age (years)41.50±11.7142.11±11.82NS
Weight (kg)86.71±14.3798.09±18.07<0.001
BMI (kg/m2)34.45±5.6739.66±7.19<0.001
Uric acid (mg/dl)4.22±1.064.61±1.08<0.001
Systolic BP (mmHg)127.43±22.34132.53±21.940.002
Diastolic BP (mmHg)83.44±35.0985.97±35.110.043
Glucose (mg/dl)95.85±29.6497.27±24.47NS
Insulin (uIU/ml)12.19±10.3015.21±12.380.001
HOMA (log)3.18±4.923.74±3.39<0.001

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