Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0073ep102 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2021

You name it & she had it’

Shoaib Zaidi Muhammad

IntroductionMetabolic syndrome is the concurrence of the metabolic risk factors for both diabetes and cardiovascular disease, namely, hypertension, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia and abdominal obesity.Case presentationWe report a case of 59 years old morbidly obese, Saudi lady, who had been following up at our outpatient diabetes clinic, since last many years. She had Type2 diabetes for 34 yrs, hypertension, adv...

ea0090p750 | Thyroid | ECE2023

Treatment Response With VRDN-001, a Full Antagonist Antibody to IGF-1 Receptor, in Thyroid Eye Disease (TED): Phase 1/2 Clinical Study

Katz Barrett , Turbin Roger , Cockerham Kimberly , Tang Rosa , Nijhawan Navdeep , Ugradar Shoaib , O'Shaughnessy Denis J. , Summerfelt Rochelle M. , She Angela , Douglas Raymond

Purpose: IGF-1R antagonism reduces TED-related inflammation and proptosis. VRDN-001, a subnanomolar affinity full antagonist antibody to IGF-1R, is being evaluated in a phase 1/2 RCT (NCT05176639) at 3-20 mg/kg. We present results from the first cohort (10 mg/kg) of TED patients.Methods: Adults with active moderate-to-severe TED with clinical activity score (CAS) ≥4 were randomized to 2 infusions 3 weeks apart of either 10 mg/kg VRDN-001 or placebo...

ea0038p47 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

A rare incidental cause of Cushing’s syndrome

Tofeec Khaled , Paisley Angela

A 19-year-old Cushingoid lady was referred with significant hirsutism requiring daily facial shaving despite previous laser epilation and regular waxing. She had a background history of PCOS, polycythaemia, hypertension and had been labelled as having a ‘Cushingoid appearance’. Extensive investigations elsewhere (UFCs, MR pituitary, and CT adrenals) had failed to diagnose the syndrome. She was taking metformin to regulate menses and lercanidipine and bisprolol. Spiro...

ea0034p73 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2014

Adrenal masses-a bleeding problem

Chang You-Jin , Khan Angela Alina , Arshad Sobia , Scobie Ian

Adrenal haemorrhage is comparatively rare. A 64-year-old female presented with acute right sided abdominal and chest pain shortly after a left knee replacement. She had recently started treatment dose low molecular weight heparin for presumed DVT for persistent pain in the left knee. A subsequent Doppler study of left leg was negative for DVT but an abdominal US revealed a solid lesion at the upper pole of the left kidney. CT urography showed large bilateral adrenal masses. No...

ea0063p491 | Calcium and Bone 2 | ECE2019

Rickets in a patient with melnick needles syndrome

Leite Luciana Pedral S. D. , Pithon Ricardo B. , Leal Angela Cristina G.

Introduction: Melnick Needles Syndrome corresponds to a rare skeletal dysplasia of genetic etiology, with dominant inheritance pattern attached to the X chromosome. Mutations related to the gene of filamina A, which is responsible for the synthesis of collagen, are responsible for the clinical and phenotypic manifestations of the disease, with predominantly female involvement. Rickets are caused by inadequate mineralization of the bone, which precedes the closure of the epiphy...

ea0032p1100 | Thyroid cancer | ECE2013

Thyroglobulin in fine-needle aspiration wash-out diagnostic performance: a meta-analysis

Grani Giorgio , Fumarola Angela

Introduction: Differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC) has an excellent prognosis. However, DTC frequently metastasizes to cervical lymph nodes (CLN). In case of suspicious ultrasonography findings, the fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is usually required to confirm or exclude metastasis. The combination of FNA-cytology and thyroglobulin (Tg) measurements in the needle washout has been reported to increase the sensitivity of FNA in identifying lymph node metastases from DTC, particular...

ea0028s7.3 | Latitude: Endocrine consequences of human migration | SFEBES2012

Cortisol and mood - coping with the seasons

Clow Angela , Thorn Lisa

As days become shorter susceptible people typically develop a cluster of symptoms associated with seasonal affective disorder (SAD): decreased energy levels, difficulty waking up, increased sleeping, weight gain, social withdrawal, difficulty concentrating and depressed mood. These symptoms usually remit in the spring with the increase in photoperiod. There is also evidence for seasonality (i.e. less severe changes in mood than observed in SAD) in the general population. SAD i...

ea0056ep87 | Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism | ECE2018

Diabetic ketoacidosis and acute pancreatitis associated with antipsychotic drugs: report of a case

Campopiano Maria Cristina , Dardano Angela , Rodia Cosimo , Bertolotto Alessandra , Ciccarone Annamaria , Bianchi Cristina , Miccoli Roberto , Prato Stefano Del

Introduction: Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a feature of type 1 diabetes mellitus, but it can develop in people with type 2 diabetes (T2DM) in the presence of precipitating factors. Antipsychotics have been associated with pancreatitis without DKA or hyperglycemia or acidosis with no evidence of pancreatitis. To our knowledge, there are few reports of patients who developed pancreatitis and DKA during treatment with antipsychotis. We present a case of a patient who developed ...

ea0091oc1 | Oral Communications | SFEEU2023

‘Pseudo-failure’ of adrenal vein sampling due to cortisol co-secretion by KCNJ5-mutant adenoma, and prediction of complete clinical success by urine hybrid steroid assay

Laycock Kate , Wu Xilin , Goodchild Emily , Matson Matthew , Prete Alessandro , Taylor Angela , Arlt Wiebke , McIntosh Alasdair , McConnachie Alexander , Cheow Heok , Drake William , Brown Morris

Case history: A previously well 45-year-old lady presented with a 3-year history of hypertension initially diagnosed at a routine health check. Her blood pressure (BP) was 170-180/90-100 mmHg.Investigations: Showed hypokalaemia (K+= 3 mmol/l; NR 3.5-5.3 mmol/l), raised aldosterone (976pmol/l; NR 100-500pmol/l) and supressed renin activity (<0.2nmol/l/h), meeting criteria for diagnosing primary aldosteronism (PA). CT adrenals showed a 2.5 cm left adre...

ea0034p344 | Steroids | SFEBES2014

Biophenols-rich pomegranate extract intake inhibits salivary cortisol and 11β-HSD1 activity and improves overall quality of life scores in healthy volunteers

Stockton Angela , Al-Dujaili Emad

Background and aim: Biophenols can act as powerful antioxidants. Pomegranate (Punica granatum) provides a rich and varied source of biophenols with the most abundant being ellagitannins, tannins, anthocyanins, ellagic, and gallic acids. Recently, we have shown that pomegranate juice consumption may alleviate cardiovascular risk factors by reducing systolic and diastolic blood pressure and exercise-induced oxidative stress. The aim of study was to investigate the effec...