Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090ep235 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

The role of microbiome features in postprandial blood glucose response in patients with gestational diabetes

Popova Polina , Tikhonov Eugenii , Isakov Artem , Eriskovskaya Angelina , Pustozerov Evgenii , Vasukova Elena , Tkachuk Aleksandra , Anopova Anna , Kokina Maria , Degilevich Andrey , Zgairy Soha , Rubin Elad , Even Carmel , Turjeman Sondra , Pervunina Tatiana , Grineva Elena , Koren Omry

Background and Aims: The gut microbiome has been shown to differ between healthy individuals and those with diabetes and even in women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). This raises the question of its role in postprandial glycemic response (PPGR). We aimed to evaluate the impact of microbiome features in PPGR in women with GDM and healthy pregnant women.Methods: We obtained stool samples for 96 pregnant women (65 GDM, 31 control), previously recr...

ea0041ep262 | Clinical case reports - Pituitary/Adrenal | ECE2016

Left adrenal Ectopic cushing syndrome even more challenging

Biagetti Betina , Simo Olga , Ortiz Angel , Iglesias Carmela , Dalama Belen , Obiols Gabriel , Castell-Conesa Joan , Gracia-Burillo Amparo , Caubet Enric , Mesa Jordi

Background: The Ectopic ACTH Syndromes (EAS) often associated with severe hypercortisolism are really a challenge.Case presentation: We report the case of a 48-year-old woman, newly diagnosed with hypertension, hypokalemia despite renin-angiotensin blockers intake, and complaints of intense fatigue, muscular weakness, and easy bruising, which worse in four months. EAS was biochemically confirmed, but two urinary catecholamines collection were negatives d...

ea0032p171 | Calcium and Vitamin D metabolism | ECE2013

Could PHPT be diagnosed at early stages even more frequently?

Siprova Helena , Sipr Kvetoslav , Frysak Zdenek

Primary hyperthyroidism (PHPT) is one of the diseases which are usually diagnosed in asymptomatic period nowadays. Even though considerable success was achieved, in some cases PHPT is not found out before complications were developed. A prospective study focuses on diagnostics and therapy of PHPT has been in progress at two tertiary centers of endocrinology in the Czech Republic since January 1st, 2007, with early diagnosis of PHPT being one of its aims. In a 6-year period, th...

ea0083pnp2 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | EYES2022

An unusual cause of hypopituitarism with An even more unusual presentation – a case report

K Stepanovic , T Icin , I Bajkin , M Manojlovic , M Lekin

Background: Hypopituitarism is a rare clinical condition which can present as partial or complete absence of pituitary hormones. The most common cause is a sellar or parasellar mass, particularly tumour, and the golden standard for differential diagnosis is magnetic resonance imaging. Intrasellar aneurysm is an unusual cause of hypopituitarism with an estimated incidence of 0,17% of cases.Case presentation: We report a case of a 72-year-old male who was ...

ea0049gp163 | Obesity | ECE2017

Resistance training reduces skeletal muscle inflammation even after 4-week detraining in obese rats

Seraphim Patricia , Freitas Marcelo , Teixeira Marcos , Teixeira Giovana , Nunes Maria Tereza , Filho Jose Carlos Camargo

The ingestion of high-fat diet has been considered a crucial factor in the genesis of subclinical systemic inflammation and insulin resistance. The resistance training (RTr) can be an effective tool for the prevention and treatment of immune-metabolic disorders through physiological and morphological adaptations. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the effects of RTr and cessation of training on muscle inflammation and expression of genes related to glucose metabol...

ea0073oc6.3 | Oral Communications 6: Calcium and Bone | ECE2021

Bone material strength index is altered in patients with Cushing’s syndrome even after long-term remission

Schoeb Manuela , Sintenie Paula J.C. , Haalen Femke van , Nijhoff Michiel , de Vries Friso , Biermasz Nienke , Winter Elizabeth M. , Pereira Alberto M , Appelman-Dijkstra Natasha

BackgroundEndogenous Cushing’s syndrome (CS) is detrimental to bone. The skeletal complications are characterized by decreased bone formation and increased bone resorption, resulting in decreased bone mineral density (BMD) and an increased risk of fractures at time of diagnosis. After remission of the disease, BMD improves towards normal values but fracture rate remains elevated. Therefore, components of bone quality other than BMD, such as bone mat...

ea0037ep348 | Diabetes (pathiophysiology & epitemiology) | ECE2015

Abnormalities in glucose metabolism are present in HCV/HIV co-infected patients with severe liver fibrosis even in the absence of diabetes

Blanco Manuel Cayon , Mateos Carolina Garcia-Figueras , Nieto Gloria Baena , Herrera Patricia Bancalero , Cortes Salvador Perez , Pernia Alberto Terron

Rationale: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a well known independent prognosis factor associated with cirrhosis. Nevertheless, few studies are focused on the association between glucose metabolism and liver fibrosis in HCV/HIV patients and their conclusions are contradictory. The aim of our study was to investigate the relationship between glucose homeostasis and liver fibrosis in these patients.Methods: In a cross-sectional study, we compared prevalen...

ea0029p354 | Clinical case reports - Pituitary/Adrenal | ICEECE2012

Control of acromegaly in an era where it is technically feasible in almost every patient, is by no means invariable even in a specialist unit

Szamocki S. , Karavitaki N. , Wass J.

We have audited control of acromegaly in a specialist endocrine unit in Oxford now that this should usually obtainable. We have 240 patients under active surveillance, seen annually since diagnosis. Data from 115 of these seen in the last year have been used for this analysis.Methods: We grouped patients according to whether they were controlled in either or both IGF1 and GH or uncontrolled. Controlled IGF1 was defined according to age and sex and GH was...

ea0021p4 | Bone | SFEBES2009

Vitamin D sufficiency is rare in patients attending the Endocrine Antenatal Clinic even in the Caucasian population

Tarik Ammar , Bathia Deepan , Ward Emma

Vitamin D is not only essential for maternal health but insufficient levels during pregnancy and breast feeding can lead to infantile rickets or osteomalacia in their offspring. NICE recommends that vitamin D supplements should only be offered to pregnant women with dark skin, those who usually cover their skin, vegans and women between the ages of 19–24. Although it is widely known that these women are at high risk of vitamin D deficiency, the incidence of vitamin D insu...

ea0011p128 | Clinical case reports | ECE2006

Time course of neuroendocrine dysfunction after aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage – need for reassessment even years after the hemorrhage?

Reineke A , Poll E , Levasseur S , Yagmur E , Gilsbach JM , Kreitschmann-Andermahr I

In recent years there has been increasing evidence for neuroendocrine dysfunction as a sequel of aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH). One investigation has assessed pituitary function in SAH-survivors in a longitudinal design 3 and 12 months after the hemorrhage, but nothing is known about the dynamics of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis in the years following the bleeding. We present the data of 5 patients who had sustained aneurysmal SAH and had undergone their first endo...