Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0089p1 | Population Science | NANETS2022

Cervical Neuroendocrine Carcinomas: A Population-Based Analysis of Clinicopathologic Characteristics and Survival Outcomes in Comparison with Conventional Cervical Malignancies

Diamantopoulos Leonidas N. , Korentzelos Dimitrios , Makrakis Dimitrios , Bhargava Rohit

Background: Cervical neuroendocrine carcinomas (CNECs) are a rare and heterogeneous group of cervical neoplasms, with very limited data regarding epidemiology and survival. In this study, we explored clinicopathologic factors and oncologic outcomes of patients with CNECs derived from the Survival, Epidemiology and End Results (SEER) database, in comparison to cervical squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and adenocarcinoma (AC).Methods: The SEER database (18 re...

ea0007p49 | Diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | BES2004

Increased C-jun N terminal kinase (JNK) activity may link insulin resistance and inflammation in human central obesity

Fowler A , Silva N , Burman C , Harte A , McTernan P , Kumar S

Central obesity is strongly associated with insulin resistance and chronic sub-clinical inflammation, which is implicated in the development of type 2 diabetes (T2DM). However, the mechanisms underlying this link remain unclear. Recently JNK, a mitogen activated protein kinase (MAPK), has been implicated in obesity and insulin resistance by interfering with insulin action. Studies in rodent models show that phosphorylated JNK-1 is elevated in obesity, whilst the absence of JNK...

ea0029p907 | Female Reproduction | ICEECE2012

Association of the (TAAAA)n repeat polymorphism of SHBG gene with age at menopause in Greek postmenopausal women

Markatseli A. , Hatzi E. , Bouba I. , Xita N. , Tigas S. , Georgiou I. , Tsatsoulis A.

Introduction: Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) regulates the bioavailability of sex steroid hormones, which in turn regulate reproductive function. The potential association of SHBG gene polymorphisms with the age at menopause has not been examined.Objective: The present study aimed to assess the possible relationship between the pentanucleotide (TAAAA)n repeat polymorphism in the promoter of the SHBG gene and the age at menopause in a Greek fe...

ea0029p176 | Bone & Osteoporosis | ICEECE2012

Reference intervals for serum N-MID osteocalcin concentration measured with the IDS-iSYS automated system

Hannemann A. , Friedrich N. , Spielhagen C. , Rettig R. , Nauck M. , Wallaschofski H.

Background: Osteocalcin (OC) is a bone-specific protein produced primarily by osteoblasts during bone formation. The OC concentration is used to assess fracture risk and monitor treatment of osteoporosis and other disorders of bone metabolism. To adequately interpret the OC concentration, it is necessary to calculate reference ranges from a healthy reference population, adapted to a specific laboratory method.Methods: We established a healthy reference p...

ea0063p329 | Reproductive Endocrinology 1 | ECE2019

Randomised Controlled Trials in women with polycystic ovary syndrome do not represent the majority of patients who are in a primary care setting: systematic review and meta-analysis

Liarakos Alexandros Leonidas , Levy Miles , Mani Hamidreza

Introduction: Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is the most common endocrinopathy in women of reproductive age, with important long term health consequences such as higher chance of developing Type 2 diabetes, reduced overall wellbeing with poor quality of life. Such a common condition is mainly treated and investigated in the primary care setting.We therefore set out to see if the randomized controlled trials (RCT) represent the most common setting of care.<p class="abstex...

ea0006s15 | Melanocortin receptors | SFE2003

N-terminal POMC ligands and their receptors

Bicknell A

With the cloning of the gene encoding pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) it became apparent that several other peptides distinct from ACTH would be co-secreted from the anterior pituitary into the circulation. This begged the question as to whether these peptides have any biological actions on the adrenal, or to that matter any other tissue. Over the past two decades it has become apparent that the N-terminal fragment known as pro-gamma-MSH plays a role in adrenal physiology.<p c...

ea0044p58 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2016

Procollagen N-terminal propeptide in children

Costache-Outas Mariana , Procopiuc Camelia , Dumitrescu Cristina , Caragheorgheopol Andra , Costache Cosmina Raluca , Fica Simona

Aim: Somatic growth results from the generation of new support and connective tissue. Since collagen is the major protein constituent of connective tissue, its synthesis must be a prerequisite for the normal growth. The aim of the study was to determine age-related reference intervals for P3NP, a collagen – formation marker in a group of normal height prepubertal children and to compare to IGF1 levels.Subjects: Forty-three prepubertal children, male...

ea0056p229 | Calcium &amp; Vitamin D metabolism | ECE2018

Timely and dose assessment of serum parathormone and calcium levels by cinacalcet in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism: an individualized approach

Duntas Leonidas , Tanteles Savvas , Boutsiadis Anastasios , Polyzos Stergios

Objective: To assess the regulation of parathormone (PTH) and serum calcium (s-Ca) in patients, on follow-up over a long time period of four years, who have primary hyperparathyroidism (pHPT) and whose condition is non-operable or who are not willing to undergo surgery.Methods: Initially, 17 patients with documented pHPT were recruited and treated with calcimimetic cinacalcet at a dose calculated according to s-Ca levels (≤11 mg/dl or >11 mg/dl...

ea0063gp155 | Cushing's | ECE2019

Endocrine immune-related adverse events following immune checkpoint inhibitors in patients with advanced melanoma: single-center retrospective analysis

Kassi Eva , Angelousi Anna , Asonitis Nikos , Petychaki Foteini , Diamantopoulos Panayiotis , Anastasopoulou Amalia , Benopoulou Olga , Gogas Helen

Introduction: Immune-check point inhibitors (ICPis) has been shown to significantly improve survival in patients with advanced melanoma. Immune-related endocrinopathies (irEs) and in particular hypophysitis and thyroid dysfunction have been well described with an incidence varying from 9–17% and 3.8–13.2% respectively.Methods: This is a retrospective analysis of irEs in 325 (190 men) patients with melanoma receiving ICPis (PD-1/PDL-1 or CTLA-4 ...

ea0019p209 | Growth and development | SFEBES2009

The effect of age on insulin-like growth factor-I and pro-collagen type III N-terminal peptide in elite adolescent athletes and its influence on the detection of growth hormone abuse

Guha N , Erotokritou-Mulligan I , Brigg J , Burford C , Drake T , Strobridge G , Bassett E , Cowan D , Bartlett C , Sonksen P , Holt R

Introduction: Using discriminant analysis, a method based on two growth hormone (GH) dependent markers, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and pro-collagen type III N-terminal peptide (P-III-P) has been devised to detect exogenously administered GH. It is believed that GH is a popular substance of abuse amongst adolescent athletes. As previous studies on the detection of GH abuse involved predominantly adult athletes, it is necessary to validate the method in adolescent athl...