Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090rc10.2 | Rapid Communications 10: Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition 2 | ECE2023

Increased risk of cirrhosis in post-menopausal women with NAFLD

Izzi-Engbeaya Chioma , Eng Pei , Dunin-Borkowska Aleksandra , Forlano Roberta , Mullish Benjamin H , Sigon Giordano , Lin Vicky , Tan Tricia , Yee Michael , Manousou Pinelopi , Dhillo Waljit

Background: Non-alcoholic liver disease (NAFLD) affects up to 30% of adults worldwide. With the prevalence of NAFLD increasing after menopause, women aged >55 years are more likely to progress to advanced fibrosis than men. Moreover, liver decompensation secondary to NAFLD is more frequent in women compared to men. However, the causes of these differential outcomes are not fully understood.Methodology: We performed a retrospective cohort study utilis...

ea0045p32 | Diabetes | BSPED2016

Emergency advice for families of children with diabetes – the story of a helpline

Grosser Sabine , Alexander Vicky

Objective: To describe the changes in out-of-hours emergency advice to families of children with diabetes over the last 15 years, the reasons for change and impact on hospital attendance.The local emergency clinical helpline for children with diabetes (DiabNet) was discontinued in August 2015. We have looked at its service and how it informed the support we deliver today, especially out of hours advice provided currently by paediatric registrars.<p c...

ea0028s1.2 | Genetic regulation of pituitary tumorigenesis | SFEBES2012

Modelling pituitary tumours in zebrafish

Liu Ning-Ai , Jiang Hong , Ben-Shlomo Anat , Wawrowsky Kolja , Fan Xue-Mo , Lin Shuo , Melmed Shlomo

The pituitary is highly sensitive to cell cycle disruptions. Although CDK gene mutations have not readily been identified in human pituitary tumors, overexpression of cyclins and dysregulation of CDK inhibitors are encountered in pituitary adenomas, indicating the importance of CDK activation for potential therapeutic targeting. However, it is difficult to predict which CDK inhibitor(s) may be effective against particular tumor types in vivo. Therefore, animal models fa...

ea0025oc4.2 | Bone and diabetes | SFEBES2011

Is Mepe a novel regulator of growth plate mineralisation?

Staines Katherine , MacRae Vicky , Farquharson Colin

Advances in the understanding of hypophosphatemic disorders have identified a novel group of molecules (FGF23, PHEX, MEPE, DMP1) that have been implicated in osteoblast mineralisation directly.The specific binding of PHEX to MEPE regulates the release of ASARM peptides which have an inhibitory role. Current concepts are speculative and the functional role of MEPE in chondrocyte mineralisation remains largely undefined.Proximal tibiae from 3-week old wild...

ea0025p299 | Steroids | SFEBES2011

A retrospective analysis of Short Synachthen Tests to assess the effect of a change in the normal reference range

Fox Thomas , Clough Vicky , Flanagan Daniel

The short synacthen test (SST) is the first-line test of adrenal insufficiency. Different centres have varying protocols for cortisol response. At Derriford Hospital cortisol is measured at 0, 30 and 60 min post-synacthen 250 μg (i.m./i.v.). A normal response is judged with a measured cortisol >550 nmol/l.A recent national audit questioned the bias created by the discrepancy between true cortisol (measured by mass spectrometry) and many laborato...

ea0062p42 | Poster Presentations | EU2019

Severe hypercalcaemia in a young patient

Lin NT , Thomas M

Case History: 16-year-old fit and well lady was referred to endocrinology clinic by GP due to severe hypercalcaemia. She is being investigated for secondary amenorrhea. She is not taking any regular medication. There is a history of hypercalcaemia in the family, her mother has hypercalcaemia and paternal grandfather had hypercalcaemia. She had no signs and symptoms of hypercalcaemia.Investigations: Corrected Calcium: 3.28 mmol/l, Phosphate: 0.60 mmol/l, ...

ea0015p11 | Bone | SFEBES2008

A retrospective audit of the use of pamidronate for fibrous dysplasia

Russell Lin , Cooper Mark

Fibrous dysplasia (FD) is a relatively uncommon condition presenting with combinations of focal bone abnormalities, cutaneous hyperpigmentation and endocrinopathy. It is caused by a post-zygotic mutation in a G-protein coupled receptor (GNAS1) leading to constitutive activation of several hormone signaling pathways. Severely affected patients present in childhood with extensive bone lesions+endocrine disorder e.g. premature puberty (McCune–Albright syndrome) but less seve...

ea0021p125 | Cytokines and growth factors | SFEBES2009

Does SOCS2 mediate inflammatory induced growth retardation?

Pass Chloe , MacRae Vicky , Ahmed Syed , Farquharson Colin

Introduction: SOCS2 is an important negative regulator of post-natal growth, as demonstrated by the SOCS2 null overgrowth phenotype. We have used SOCS2−/− mice, alongside chondrocytes overexpressing SOCS2, to investigate the mode of action of SOCS2 at the epiphysis. SOCS2 maybe involved in growth retardation associated with chronic inflammatory disorders, therefore we studied LPS induced growth retardation in wild type (WT) and SOCS2−/−<...

ea0013p105 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2007

Endocrine genes – are patients getting the optimum fit?

Stewart Susan , Gittoes Neil , Sleighthome Vicky , Cole Trevor

In response to the 2003 Government White Paper entitled ‘Our future, Our inheritance’, we piloted a project to promote the genetic service within tertiary medicine. Three clinical nurse specialists (CNS); renal, cardiac and endocrine, are the catalyst for interaction between disciplines. This abstract relates the endocrine genetic experience.Targeting patients and families with genetic endocrine disease is achieved by three methods; identificat...

ea0090ep285 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

Effects of Diabetes on Clinical Outcomes of Psoriatic Patients With Coronary Artery Disease

Zhao Lin , Sun Lin , Zeng Yan , Zhou Xianliang

Background: Psoriasis is associated with a heightened prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors, including diabetes. However, it is not clear whether diabetes will cause differences on clinical outcomes of psoriatic patients who have already suffered from coronary artery disease.Methods: We conducted a retrospective cohort study of consecutive psoriatic patients with coronary artery disease between January 2017 and May 2022 in our hospital. The clinical ...