ea0078nep2.1 | Session 2 | BSPED2021
ea0081pl6 | Thyroid Hormone Resistance, Diagnosis and Treatment | ECE2022
ea0059cmw2.3 | Workshop 2: Endocrine emergencies | SFEBES2018
ea0038cmw3.2 | Workshop 3: Biological therapies - cause and cure of endocrine diseases | SFEBES2015
ea0104S8.2 | Emerging Best Practice in Thyroid Disease | SFEIES24
ea0050p013 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2017
ea0050p013 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2017
ea0082wc4 | Workshop C: Disorders of the thyroid gland | SFEEU2022
McCarthy Aisling , Moran Carla
ea0041mte2.1-mte2.2 | (1) | ECE2016
ea0090p789 | Thyroid | ECE2023