Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0063p1189 | Thyroid 3 | ECE2019

High activity range and longer follow up duration have better success rate in Radioiodine treated hyperthyroidism

Karim Rehmat , Malik Mohamed

Purpose: To evaluate the outcome of different Radioactive iodine-131 activity range for the treatment of hyperthyroidism assessed at 6 and 12 months.Material/method: We retrospectively reviewed data of patients who received Radioiodine treatment for benign thyroid disorder at our center between 2013 to 2015. Indication for treatment, radioiodine activity administered, type of hyperthyroidism, and biochemical outcome of thyroid function at 6 and 12 months...

ea0021p70 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2009

Insulin autoimmune syndrome: a rare case of hypoglycaemia

Sugunendran Suma , Malik Mohamed

Background: Insulin autoimmune syndrome (IAS) is characterised by spontaneous hypoglycaemia in the absence of exogenous insulin administration and high serum levels of immunoreactive insulin along with high titres of insulin antibodies. Although it is the third leading cause of hypoglycaemia in Japan, it is very rare in the western world. We present the first reported case of IAS in UK.Case report: A 27-year-old lady from south east-Asian background pres...

ea0099p172 | Thyroid | ECE2024

Safety of primary care-led surveillance for low-risk thyroid cancer patients

Eni Gedoni , Malik Mohamed

Background: Post-treatment monitoring of thyroid cancer depends on risk stratification for future recurrence or possible extra-thyroidal metastasis. Current guidance suggests that patients with favourable prognostic factors and a low likelihood of recurrence can be effectively monitored in community settings. This study explores the safety of community-based surveillance for stable low-risk thyroid cancer patients discharged from specialised thyroid clinic.<p class="abstex...

ea0077p156 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2021

Primary Cinacalcet therapy is safe and effective as alternative or bridging modality in Primary Hyperparathyroidism

Nge Nge Nyein , Malik Mohamed

Purpose: To evaluate long-term safety and efficacy of cinacalcet in management of primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT).Material/Methods: We retrospectively studied all patients on cinacalcet for primary hyperparathyroidism over 3 year’s period. Data was collected and analyzed for indication, daily maintenance dose, tolerability, biochemical effect at 3, 6 and 12 months, effect on bone mineral density and renal stone disease. This study excluded those ...

ea0081p41 | Calcium and Bone | ECE2022

Lower than recommended doses of cinacalcet are effective and well tolerated in the control of hypercalcaemia of primary hyperparathyroidism

Nge Nge Nyein , Malik Mohamed

Background: The treatment goal in primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) is the achievement of biochemical control and prevention of target organ complications. Parathyroidectomy is the current recommended intervention to cure the disease. However, Cinacalcet is an alternative medical treatment for subgroup of patients in whom surgery is deemed inappropriate, those with recurrent disease, and as bridging therapy for delayed operation particularly in recent COVID pandemic. Current ...

ea0065p407 | Thyroid | SFEBES2019

Fixed 600 Mbq radioiodine activity is more effective than variable dose in treatment of benign thyroid disease

Mohamed Ayad , Karim Rehmat , Malik Mohamed

Purpose: To compare effectiveness of different radioiodine activities used for the treatment of benign thyroid disease.Method: We retrospectively reviewed our local radioiodine audit data collected over 7 years duration. Patients with benign thyroid disease and known post-treatment biochemical outcomes were included. Data were analysed for primary diagnosis, activity dose, and biochemical outcomes in 6 and 12 months post-treatment....

ea0032p920 | Pituitary – Clinical (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by IPSEN</emphasis>) | ECE2013

The short synacthen test may be more sensitive than the glucagon stimulation test in assessing the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis: a retrospective audit

Blythe Richard , Elkashif Ismail , Malik Mohamed

Introduction: Generously supported by IPSEN)-->Insulin tolerance test (ITT) is considered as the gold standard assessment for hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) integrity. Short synacthen test (SST) is a relatively simple, low-cost and well tolerated first line test of HPA despite concerns regarding accuracy. The glucagon stimulation test (GST) is often used as an alternative to the ITT. Although less reliable, it is...

ea0031p215 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2013

Octreotide therapy of chronic urticaria and angioedema after gastric bypass procedure

Varghese Jeanny , Malik Mohamed , Sewell Carrock

Background: The exact changes of hormones and the relative importance of these to the metabolic improvement after bariatric surgery remain to be explored. We highlight the unusual case of a patient who developed episodes of angioedema post roux-en-y surgery for weight reduction.Case: A 38-year-old man with a BMI of 50 kg/m2, had laparoscopic Roux-en-y bypass surgery, resulting in 89 kg loss over 12–18 months. Six to twelve 12 months post-...