ea0038s9.1 | The endocrinology of the thin (Supported by <emphasis role="italic">Endocrine Connections</emphasis>) | SFEBES2015
ea0038mte6 | (1) | SFEBES2015
ea0037en3.1 | Meet the Nurse Expert | ECE2015
ea0035p718 | Neuroendocrinology | ECE2014
ea0034ye1.5 | Establishing successful collaborations | SFEBES2014
ea0028s8.2 | Small molecules, big effects: the emerging role of microRNAs | SFEBES2012
ea0078oc1.1 | Oral Communications 1 | BSPED2021
ea0054pl3 | Plenary Lectures | NuclearReceptors2018
ea0085p94 | Thyroid | BSPED2022
ea0065p151 | Endocrine Neoplasia and Endocrine Consequences of Living with and Beyond Cancer | SFEBES2019