Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0028p197 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2012

Superinduction of leptin mRNA in mouse hypothalamic neurons

Imran Ali , Brown Russell , Wilkinson Diane , Wilkinson Paul , Wilkinson Michael

Introduction: We previously reported the novel finding that leptin, and several other fat-derived hormones (adipokines), is expressed and regulated in rat hypothalamus (1). Subsequently leptin (ob) mRNA was found in human, sheep and pig brain, but was surprisingly undetectable in mouse brain. In the present experiments we used a mouse hypothalamic neuronal cell line to investigate possible inhibitory mechanisms that may prevent mouse neurons from expressing ob mRNA. These incl...

ea0077p203 | Metabolism, Obesity and Diabetes | SFEBES2021

An Audit assessing Management of COVID patients on Dexamethasone with High Capillary Blood Glucose (CBGs) from 01/01/21 to 19/3/21

Choy Bennett , Mannan Imran

Dexamethasone reduces mortality in COVID patients who require oxygen therapy. Dexamethasone-related hyperglycaemia however is a known complication. Capillary blood glucose (CBGs) above 10.0 mmol/l have been linked to increased mortality in COVID patients. Approximately a third of COVID patients with dexamethasone-related hyperglycaemia may develop diabetes later. It is therefore important to manage acute episodes of hyperglycaemia effectively and identify these patients for fo...

ea0034p75 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2014

Stuttering priapism

Siddiqi Ahmed Imran

Introduction: Here, I present an interesting case of stuttering priapism in a 48 years old man. He was 30 years old when he was diagnosed with this condition. He is being treated with cyproterone acetate with significant improvement in his symptoms.Clinical case: A 30 years old man (now 48) presented to A&E with painful prolonged erection (priapism). He denied any history of trauma, blood disorders, use of recreational drugs, over the counter drugs o...

ea0034p118 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2014

Gastrinoma: difficult to diagnose difficult to treat

Siddiqi Ahmed Imran

Introduction: I present here a challenging case of gastrinoma which posed challenges in diagnosis and treatment. Gastrinomas are tumours of pancreas or duodenum secreting excessive gastrin leading to acid over secretion in stomach leading to ulcer, perforations, and diarrhoea.Clinical case: A 77-year-old lady had been suffering from gradually worsening bouts of severe watery diarrhoea and vomiting for previous 10 years and six stones weight loss. Frequen...

ea0034p216 | Obesity, diabetes, metabolism and cardiovascular | SFEBES2014

Maturity onset diabetes of young type 5

Siddiqi Ahmed Imran

Background: I present a young girl with maturity onset diabetes of young type 5 (MODY 5) who presented with renal cysts and early onset bilateral cataracts with gradual decline of beta cell functions.Case: 19 years old girl presented to A&E with hyperglycemia, ketosis, and acidosis. This was her second presentation in A&E in previous 3 weeks. She was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was 3 years old in view of her polyuria and slow growth. ...

ea0034p340 | Reproduction | SFEBES2014

Two rare conditions in one patient: Fragile X and congenital adrenal hyperplasia

Imran Siddiqi Ahmed

Introduction: I present here a patient with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Fragile X syndrome. The two conditions are rare and not known to be related to each other.Clinical case: A 26-years-old lady was referred to Endocirne clinic with primary amenorrhoea. She complained of hirsutism and some facial acne since 14 years of age. To the best of her recollection her thelarche was around 12 years of age and pubic hair started to appear at 10 years of ag...

ea0094p192 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2023

Aetiological complexity of Hypercalcaemia – A case report

Qamar Imran , Khan Haris

Background: Hypercalcaemia in endocrine patients often poses diagnostic challenge, with hyperparathyroidism and familial hypocalciuric-hypercalcaemia(FHH) being common differentials. This case-report presents unique and complex aetiology, underscoring need for comprehensive evaluation.Case-Description: We present case of 57-year-old Caucasian-woman referred to our clinic with persistently elevated calcium and parathyroid...

ea0062p02 | Poster Presentations | EU2019

Pituitary hyperplasia due to untreated hypothyroidism

MacKenzie Heather , Imran Syed Ali

Case history: A 51-year old female presented to emergency with occipital headache for 5 days on a background of recurrent headaches for over a year. She had been diagnosed with Hashimoto’s disease at the age of 30 and given levothyroxine, which she discontinued 5 years ago due to aversion to take medications. She had noticed cold intolerance and low energy. At presentation her body mass index was 25.26 kg/m2 and the physical exam was unremarkable; specifically,...

ea0034p329 | Reproduction | SFEBES2014

A rare cause of infertility

Imran Siddiqi Ahmed , Menon Ravi

Case history: A 29-year-old man presented with infertility. He also complained of difficulty in passing urine. He also complained of low libido and ejaculate was also noted to be watery. He complained of occasional difficulty in maintaining erections. He denied history of trauma, radiation exposure or use of illicit drugs. He had normal pubertal development and secondary sexual features. He had undergone a surgery about 11 years ago in Nigeria for hypospadias. Hypospadias was ...

ea0012p116 | Steroids to include Cushing's | SFE2006

Cushing’s syndrome secondary to recurrent olfactory neuroblastoma

Butt Muhammad Imran , Olczak Stephen

A 52 year old man presented 5 years ago with a history of persistent rhinorrhea, blocked nose and epistaxis. MR scanning revealed blockage of the ethmoid sinus with polypoidal material extending into the nasopharynx, anterior cranial fossa and right orbit. He had craniofacial resection of the lesion and histology confirmed an olfactory neuroblastoma.He represented in 2005 with a two-week history of generalized weakness, lack of energy, and bilateral ankl...