Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0075m05 | Metabolic Bone | EYES2021

A case report of bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of jaw

Kolla Bharathi , PR Manjunath , Boya Harshitha , Acharya Himamshu

Introduction: Bisphosphonates are widely used to treat osteoporosis, hypercalcemia of malignancy and multiple myeloma. Albeit rare, bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis of jaw is serious adverse event which significantly affects quality of life. Clinical presentation includes gingival ulceration, exposed necrotic bone in the oral cavity. In severe cases it may cause spontaneous pain, tooth mobility and pathological fractures.Case Report: A 70-year-old ma...

ea0075a06 | Adrenal gland | EYES2021

Sinister cause of amenorrhea in adolescent girls – a case series

Boya Harshitha , Selvan Chitra , VSM Suryanaryana , P R Manjunath , Acharya Himamshu , Kolla Bharathi

Background: Hirsutism is a common and disturbing complaint among women attending endocrine clinics. It is caused by androgen excess and when severe, might progress to virilization. Virilizing adrenal tumors are a rare cause of hirsutism.Case presentation: A 14 year old girl presented with primary amenorrhea, poor breast development (Tanner stage B1), hirsutism (Ferriman-gallwey score, FGS of 12/36) clitoromegaly (clitoral index >200 mm2). ...

ea0075d05 | Diabetes | EYES2021

Hirata’s disease: A tale of two women with hypoglycaemia

Acharya Himamshu , Boya Harshitha , Rao Maddukuri Hanumantha , Dharmalingam Mala , KM Suryanarayana

Background: Insulin Autoimmune Syndrome is a rare condition characterized by hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemic episodes mediated by insulin autoantibodies (IAA). IAA form complexes with insulin leading to initial mild hyperglycemia and later hypoglycemia due to release of insulin. A comprehensive evaluation is necessary in all hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia before a diagnosis of IAS is established. We present two cases of Hirata’s disease which presented with debilitating hypo...

ea0075t07 | Thyroid | EYES2021

Thyrotoxic storm and Hypercalcemia: A Graves’ complication

D M Lavanya , Acharya Himamshu , K M Suryanarayana , Kulkarni Sanjay V

Introduction: Graves’ disease is associated with mild hypercalcemia in about 1/5th of cases. T3, through its nuclear receptor activates osteoclasts resulting in accelerated bone turnover. Although mild hypercalcemia is common in Graves’ disease, symptomatic hypercalcemia is rare. We describe a case who presented with thyrotoxic storm and hypercalcemia.Case report: 52-year-old lady presented with thyrotoxic symptoms of weight loss, dysphagia for...

ea0073aep391 | Endocrine-Related Cancer | ECE2021

A rare cause of postmenopausal hirsutism – granulosa cell tumor of the ovary

N Himamshu Acharya , Selvan Chitra , BK Sujani

Androgen excess in post-menopausal women usually results from ovarian or adrenal pathology. Identifying pathology is significant as many ovarian tumors can be malignant in nature. We report a case of granulosa cell tumor which presented with virilizing signs. A 66-year-old postmenopausal lady presented with temporal hair loss and weight gain. She had to drop out of her church choir as she had a change in her voice. She was concerned about her facial hair growth which was signi...

ea0075m06 | Metabolic Bone | EYES2021

Osteogenesis imperfecta- A novel pathogenic variant

Sriramaneni Nikitha , Selvan Chitra , Acharya N Himamshu , Naushad Altaf Ali

Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta is a systemic connective tissue disorder characterized by low bone mass and bone fragility leading to low-trauma fractures or fractures in atypical locations. Extraskeletal manifestations may include dental anomalies, blue-gray sclera, hearing loss, joint hypermobility, muscle weakness, cardiovascular and pulmonary complications.Case presentation: A 7year old boy presented with a history of fracture right femur 1 month...

ea0003p36 | Clinical Case Reports | BES2002

Efficacy and safety of high dose testosterone therapy in partial androgen insensitivity

Bandyopadhyay S , Watson W , Park C , Abraham P , Philip S , Acharya S , Bevan J

Efficacy and Safety of High Dose Testosterone Therapy in Partial Androgen InsensitivityS. Bandyopadhyay, W.A.Watson, C. M.Park, P. Abraham, S. Philip, S. Acharya , J.S. Bevan. Department of Endocrinology, Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, Aberdeen, AB25 2ZN.INTRODUCTION: There have been few reports of the efficacy and safety of high dose androgen therapy in men with partial androgen insensitivity (PAI). We report on the responses of a p...

ea0029n20 | (1) | ICEECE2012

Self care practice among diabetic patients attending metropolyclinic, Kathmandu

Acharya Radha , Chapagain Pratikchaa

Introduction: Diabetes is expected to rise from 177 million today to 370 million in 2030. Self care is a crucial to keep the disease under control. Appropriate self care practice can keep the disease under control.Objective: The aim of the study was to find out the self care practice among diabetic patients.Methods: This is a simple descriptive cross-sectional study. A total of 50 respondents, who met eligible criteria were purposi...

ea0025p243 | Pituitary | SFEBES2011

Pituitary apoplexy is a rare endocrine emergency, historically confused with other acute medical conditions, which delayed the diagnosis, however with advances in brain imaging, diagnosing this condition is much easier

Jayashekara Acharya , Flanagan Daniel

We describe seven patients with pituitary apoplexy diagnosed between July 2009 and Oct 2010.Presentation and Management: Five patients presented with sudden onset headache, nausea and vomiting. One developed headache while on carbegoline and other presented with fluctuating level of consciousness.All but two patients were inpatients at the hospital when diagnosed and all had MRI scan of pituitary to confirm the diagnosis and any ma...

ea0021p330 | Steroids | SFEBES2009

Cyclical epilepsy associated with testosterone replacement

Jayashekara Acharya , Flanagan Daniel

Introduction: High testosterone level lowers the seizure threshold in patients previously well controlled on medication.Clinical scenario: A 59-year-old male, with a history of complex partial seizure, having 12 years of seizure free period on phenytoin and lamotrigine, presented with short history of vomiting, positional headache, and visual impairment. A diagnosis of pitutary macro adenoma was made following a MRI scan of his head. He underwent a trans...