Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090oc12.3 | Oral Communications 12: Environmental Endocrinology | ECE2023

Effects of perinatal tributyltin exposure in Wistar rats on body parameters, insulin, leptin, milk composition and ultrastructure of the pancreatic islets in dams and offspring

Aparecida Miranda Rosiane , Vieira de Andrade Cherley Borba , Gaspar de Moura Egberto , Lisboa Patricia Cristina

Tributyltin (TBT) is a biocide organotin compound widely used as an antifouling in boat paints. This substance is a factor of contamination to water and food, especially marine fish. As an endocrine disruptor, TBT can interact with hormonal pathways and can induce gonadal dysfunction and glycemic dyshomeostasis; however, the effects caused by maternal exposure to TBT are scarce. Here, we investigate maternal exposure to low dose of TBT, considered safe, during pregnancy and la...

ea0090oc1.1 | Oral Communications 1: Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition 1 | ECE2023

Fish oil supplementation during pregnancy attenuates sex-specific changes induced by perinatal maternal high-fat diet in mitochondria of rat skeletal muscle at weaning

Woyames Juliana , Martins Isabela , Souza Manuella , Neto Jessika Oliveira , Andrade Cherley , Atella Georgia , Trevenzoli Isis , Moura Carmen Pazos

Perinatal maternal high-fat (HF) and isocaloric diet induced obesity and metabolic disorders in the offspring since weaning. At adulthood, oxidative soleus skeletal muscle of HF male offspring exhibited lipid accumulation and mitochondrial damage. At birth, HF offspring have higher n-6:n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) plasma ratio. We hypothesized that HF offspring´s mitochondria of skeletal muscle exhibit damages at weaning that could be mitigated by fish oil (FO, ...

ea0049ep235 | Bone & Osteoporosis | ECE2017

Bone histomorphometry and bone marrow adipocytes in premenopausal women with type 2 diabetes

Andrade Vicente , Borba Victoria , Chula Domingos , Barreto Fellype , Boguszewski Cesar , Moreira Carolina

Few studies have evaluated bone histomorphometry in type 2 diabetic patients (DM2) and none has established if the disease control plays a role on bone morphology and bone marrow adipocytes. The aim of this study is to present preliminary data on bone microstructure, bone formation rate and bone marrow adipocytes in premenopausal women with DM2 with different levels of glucose control. Bone biopsy, followed by tetracycline labelling, was obtained for analysis of static and dyn...

ea0090ep786 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

De-escalation treatment with pasireotide for aggressive acromegaly: A long-term experience

Menotti Sara , Giampietro Antonella , Chiloiro Sabrina , Pontecorvi Alfredo , De Marinis Laura , Bianchi Antonio

Introduction: Pasireotide long acting release (LAR) is approved for second line treatment of acromegaly. We present 3 patients with aggressive acromegaly treated with a personalized de-escalation approach.Case 1: A 61-year-old female affected by acromegaly reisistant on first-line SSAs. In 2015 therapy was switched to pasireotide LAR 60 mg every 28 days. After two years, the IGF-I level touched the lower age range and therapy was downscaled to pasireotid...

ea0056p199 | Bone ' Osteoporosis | ECE2018

Long term follow up of patients with hypophosphatemic rickets in a Public Institution in Brazil

Vieira Oberger Marques Julia , Cervi Lagana Caio , Frare Junior Neudir , Oliboni Do Amaral Patricia , Besen Debora , Robl Marcela , Zegbi Cochenski Borba Victoria , Aguiar Moreira Carolina

Introduction: Hypophosphatemic rickets comprehends a group of hereditary diseases characterized by hypophosphatemia and defective bone mineralization. The most common form is X-linked, with a prevalence of 1:20.000.Objectives: Describe the follow up of patients with hypophosphatemic rickets in a public center in Brazil.Methods: Patients with hypophosphatemic rickets were selected from a database of Endocrinology and Metabolism Serv...

ea0050oc6.5 | Bone, Calcium and Neoplasia | SFEBES2017

Tumor immunosuppressive environment and tamoxifen resistance in rats exposed to EE2 in utero can be prevented with HDAC and DNMT inhibitors

Bouker Kerrie , Andrade Fabia De Oliveira , Hil Leena

Maternal exposures during pregnancy to endocrine disrupting chemicals increase daughter’s breast cancer risk in humans and animal models. We have previously found that these exposures also pre-program offspring’s mammary tumors to exhibit increased resistance to antiestrogen therapy, and that treatment with valproic acid (HDAC inhibitor) and hydralazine (DNMT inhibitor) prevented antiestrogen resistance. Here we investigated if maternal exposure to ethinyl estradiol ...

ea0050oc6.5 | Bone, Calcium and Neoplasia | SFEBES2017

Tumor immunosuppressive environment and tamoxifen resistance in rats exposed to EE2 in utero can be prevented with HDAC and DNMT inhibitors

Bouker Kerrie , Andrade Fabia De Oliveira , Hil Leena

Maternal exposures during pregnancy to endocrine disrupting chemicals increase daughter’s breast cancer risk in humans and animal models. We have previously found that these exposures also pre-program offspring’s mammary tumors to exhibit increased resistance to antiestrogen therapy, and that treatment with valproic acid (HDAC inhibitor) and hydralazine (DNMT inhibitor) prevented antiestrogen resistance. Here we investigated if maternal exposure to ethinyl estradiol ...

ea0029n24 | (1) | ICEECE2012

Self-care competence in the case of Brazilian patients with diabetes mellitus in a multiprofessional educational programme

Landim Camila Aparecida Pinheiro , Zanetti Maria Lucia , Santos Manoel Antonio Dos , De Andrade Thiago Antonio Moretti , Becker Tania Alves Canata , Santos Ellen Cristina Barbosa Dos , Zanetti Gabriel Guidorizzi , Lobato Beatriz Cardoso , Franco Rosana Cristina , De Souza Teixeira Carla Regina

Background: Diabetes mellitus is mainly characterized by a dysfunction of glucose metabolism. The growth of diabetes mellitus as a chronic condition requires continuous management and requires health services to implement care strategies. Diabetes education and self-care competence have been recognized over the last few decades as essential for patients with diabetes mellitus to achieve positive treatment results.Objective: To compare self-care competenc...

ea0099ep161 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2024

Kallmann-de morsier syndrome: about a case

Souissi Mariem , Fadia Boubaker , Elomma Mrabet Houcem , Dimassi Oumaima , Wafa Alaya , Mohamed Habib Sfar

Introduction: Kallmann-de Morsier Syndrome is a rare genetic disorder characterized by the combination of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and anosmia or hyposmia. It is more prevalent in males compared to females. In this case report, we present the case of an adolescent with Kallmann-de Morsier Syndrome.Case Presentation: An 18-year-old patient was referred to our endocrinology clinic by gynecologists for the investigation of pubertal delay. The patient&#...

ea0057036 | ACTH independent hypercorticism with normal adrenal imaging and negative genetic screening for micronodular adrenal disease in a female teenager: what to suspect? | BES2018

ACTH independent hypercorticism with normal adrenal imaging and negative genetic screening for micronodular adrenal disease in a female teenager: what to suspect?

Van De Maele K , De Schepper J

Introduction: Micronodular adrenocortical disease is a very rare cause of Cushing syndrome in children. This adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH)-independent form of Cushing syndrome is mostly a part of the Carney Complex, which is caused by mutations in the PRKAR1A gene (1). A young female with endogenous ACTH independent hypercorticism without the classical gene mutations in the pigmented and the non-pigmented form of micronodular adrenal disease is presented.<p c...