Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090p102 | Diabetes, Obesity, Metabolism and Nutrition | ECE2023

People With Newly Diagnosed T2DM Showed Significant Improvement in Glycemic Control and Effective Weight Management After Completion of Fitterfly Diabetes Digital Therapeutics Program

Lathia Tejal , Verma Ritika , Khader Mohammed Abdul , Selvan Chitra , C S Dwarakanath , Aggarwal Ajay , Ghanekar Gayatri , Bansal Beena , Goyal Ramesh , Joshi Shilpa , Singal Arbinder

Background and aim: Early glycemic control and weight reduction in diabetes has been associated with prevention of progression of β-cell dysfunction and reduction in diabetes-related complications. Digital therapeutics (DTx) platforms can provide evidence-based therapeutic interventions to improve glycemic control using sustainable behavior change. This study aims at assessing the real-world effectiveness of the Fitterfly Diabetes program in improving glycemic control and...

ea0028p107 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2012

Functioning cardiac paraganglioma with underlying heterozygous SDHD mutation, diagnosed following an acute myocardial infarction- A case report

Ahluwalia Rupa , Hung John , Sreemantula Gayatri , Vora Jiten

Background: We report a case of a 51-year-old man with functioning cardiac paraganglioma diagnosed subsequent to a primary coronary event. Following a myocardial infarction aged 39; he was incidentally found to have a cardiac tumour in the pericardial sac. This was assumed to be benign and followed up with serial imaging. Recent scans suggested a possible paraganglioma with evidence of very slow tumour growth leading to an endocrinology referral. On further questioning he did ...

ea0021p6 | Bone | SFEBES2009

Bone mineral density in transitional endocrine clinic in a UK Teaching Hospital

Sreemantula Gayatri , Iqbal Cherakkattil , Didi Mohammed , Ahmad Aftab

Introduction: Endocrinopathies can cause secondary osteoporosis and little is known of the extent of this condition in young adults.Methods: In order to assess the bone health in endocrinopathies in young adults, a retrospective analysis of 25 transitional clinic patients who underwent dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA scan) was made using case notes and the hospital database.Results: Twenty-three patients were male and the me...

ea0027p16 | (1) | BSPED2011

GH stimulation testing: how discrepant are its diagnostic tests?

Bhat Gayathri , Knight Olivia , Barrett Timothy , Kirk Jeremy

As the sensitivity of a single GH test is poor, current NICE guidelines (2010) state that to make a diagnosis of isolated GH deficiency (IGHD), two stimulation tests need to show subnormal peak GH levels. In our centre we use insulin tolerance (ITT) or glucagon stimulation (GST) as the 1st test, and arginine stimulation (AST) as the 2nd test.The purpose of this study was to identify the proportion of children with discrepant test results; and to establis...

ea0082p33 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2022

Post-operative impending thyroid storm

Bhaskaran Gayathri , Ali Fayad , Casey Michael , Hunt Molly , Kashif Hussain Kazmi Syed , Khan Sidrah

Case history: A 32 year old female was admitted for an elective gynaecological procedure LLETZ (large loop excision of the transformation zone) under general anaesthesia as per patient”s request. An uncomplicated LLETZ procedure was performed. Post operatively, patient was found to be tachycardiac and had severe palpitations with nausea. She then reported that she had recently lost a significant amount of weight, had been suffering with anxiety, palpitations, and tremors ...

ea0044p226 | Reproduction | SFEBES2016

A multidisciplinary specialist team for pregnancy in Turner’s syndrome improves survival and maternal and fetal outcomes

Kumarasinghe Gayathri , Calanchini Matilde , Mackillop Lucy , Weingart Emma , Orchard Elizabeth , Turner Helen

Aims: Turner’s syndrome (TS) is associated with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV), ascending aortic dilatation (AD), aortic coarctation, and hypertension. Pregnancy in TS is associated with increased risk of aortic dissection (2%), gestational hypertension, pre-eclampsia and a 2% risk of maternal mortality.This retrospective study aimed to assess the effectiveness of a multidisciplinary team (MDT) comprising endocrinologist, cardiologist and maternal medi...

ea0044p227 | Reproduction | SFEBES2016

Re-evaluation of safety in pregnancy following oocyte donation in Turner’s Syndrome; is it time to modify the guidelines?

Kumarasinghe Gayathri , Calanchini Matilde , Mackillop Lucy , Weingart Emma , Orchard Elizabeth , Turner Helen

Aims: Oocyte donation (OD) is increasingly utilised in women with Turner’s syndrome (TS). However, guidelines state TS a ‘relative contraindication’ for pregnancy, due to increased risk of aortic dissection (AD 2%) and maternal mortality (2%). Recent data on OD-related morbidity and mortality in TS has raised further concern. We aimed to analyse cardiovascular risk profiles of TS women undergoing OD and those with spontaneous pregnancy (SP), and determine outcom...

ea0041ep663 | Female Reproduction | ECE2016

Pre-pregnancy risk assessment and combined multidisciplinary care improves pregnancy outcomes in women with Turner’s syndrome

Kumarasinghe Gayathri , Calanchini Matilde , Mackillop Lucy , Ormerod Oliver , Manning Nicky , Orchard Elizabeth , Turner Helen

Aims: Women with Turner’s syndrome (TS) are increasingly undertaking pregnancies, either via natural conception (mosaic TS) or assisted conception (AC). Increased TS pregnancies have led to reports suggesting high risk of pregnancy associated aortic dissection (AOD) 2%, and maternal mortality 2% due to underlying aortic valve abnormalities and aortopathies. However, the literature is limited to small case series. We report our practice providing risk-assessment and combin...

ea0031p343 | Steroids | SFEBES2013

Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome: adrenal insufficiency

Taranath Kamath Akshatha , Mysore Seetharamu Sandeep , Gopalakrishnan Gayathri , Damodar Sharat , Satish Kumar Sampath

Antiphospholipid antibody (APLA) syndrome is a rare autoimmune systemic disorder which can occur as primary condition or secondary to connective tissue diseases, most frequently systemic lupus erythematosis. We are presenting a rare case of a lady who developed adrenal insufficiency secondary to adrenal vein thrombosis, as a late sequel to APLA Syndrome.A 50-year-old lady admitted to the medical ICU with one day’s history of severe abdominal pain an...

ea0056p528 | Nuclear receptors and Signal transduction | ECE2018

Genotype- Phenotype correlations of TNF-α, IL-6 and Leptin receptor gene polymorphisms in Poly cystic ovarian syndrome

B Rajesh , B Ramesh , G Gayathri , M Venkateshwara Reddy , D Vighnesh , B Rajkiran Reddy , B Chakrapani , PRK Bhargav

Introduction: Tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) are potent immunomodulators and proinflammatory cytokines displaying varied functions. Apart from monocytes/macrophages, they are also produced by the cells in female reproductive tract. Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) is one of the commonest endocrine disorder amongst women of reproductive age group. Several polymorphisms in the promoter region of the gene TNF-α, IL-6 and Leptin receptors ...