Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0038sk2.2 | Skills 2: Early Career Symposium: Effective communication: get involved, get engaged! | SFEBES2015

The battles of writing a lay summary

Grey Joanna

Lay summary uses are multitudinous with their overall purpose being to engage the average person’s interest and thereafter increase their understanding of a subject unfamiliar to them. In medicine, there is rightly an emphasis on ensuring that a patient fully understands what is happening to them in order that they may become an effective participatory member in their own care. However, literacy levels are surprisingly low, even in developed nations, and it therefore foll...

ea0094ret1.4 | Section | SFEBES2023

Life With a RET Gene Change

Grey Joanna

These days, many children with a RET gene change are diagnosed through genetic screening programmes when there is a parent with the gene change. I wasn’t one of those children and was not diagnosed with MEN2 until I was 31 years old. My son was diagnosed through screening at 2 years old. I will share our family’s story of how we adjusted to the ’new normal’, and how we live with this condition day-to-day more than 20 years down the line. I will also share s...

ea0090s20.2 | Update on consequences of long-term exposure/treatment with glucocorticoids | ECE2023

The impacts of glucocorticoids on brain outcomes and behaviour

Spencer-Segal Joanna

Critically ill patients are exposed to high levels of corticosteroids during their illness. While corticosteroid treatment has a modest effect on illness severity and survival dependent on the underlying diagnosis, observational and randomized data suggests that it also influences long-term neuropsychiatric outcomes. The mechanisms by which corticosteroid exposure during acute illness alters long-term brain function and neuropsychiatric risk are unknown. Because of the importa...

ea0044p121 | Neoplasia, cancer and late effects | SFEBES2016

Psychosocial impact of multiple endocrine neoplasia disorders

Grey Joanna , Winter Kym

Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) disorders are autosomal dominantly inherited syndromes characterised by multi-glandular adenomas/carcinomas. AMEND is a charity providing support and information resources to MEN patients. A recent anonymous online patient survey was conducted by AMEND into the psycho-social impact of the conditions. 219 patients participated (n101 MEN1, n60 MEN2a, n26 MEN2b, n32 other) with a mean age of 47.5 years. 57% felt that their condition had a negati...

ea0041ep369 | Clinical case reports - Thyroid/Others | ECE2016

Simultaneous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus and insulinoma: diagnostic pitfalls

Swider Grzegorz , Sztembis Joanna

Introduction: Co-morbidity of DM t 2 and insulinoma is extremely rare. There are only some case reports of diagnosing insulinoma but they concern patients already diagnosed with DM t. 2. We present patient diagnosed at the same time with DM t. 2 and insulinoma.Case report: A 69-year-old female patient was admitted to hospital because of high blood pressure. Since 2 years she reported attacks of weakness, tachycardia and sweating within the day, usually s...

ea0022p684 | Obesity | ECE2010

Relation of PPARγ genetic polymorphism and testosterone levels in males with metabolic syndrome

Stankiewicz-Olczyk Joanna , Bolanowski Marek

Obesity and overweight are nowadays very important health problems. Metabolic syndrome increases the risk of diabetes mellitus and coronary heart disease. Patients suffering from metabolic syndrome, especially males, are at greater risk of acute cardiovascular episodes, like heart infarct or brain stroke, than patients without this, widely accepted atheromatosis’ risk farctor. The aim of the study was assessment of possible relations of PPARγ genetic polymorphism and...

ea0016p271 | Endocrine tumours | ECE2008

The comparison of serum VEGF levels between patients with metastatic and non-metastatic thyroid cancer, and patients with non-toxic multinodular goiter

Klubo-Gwiezdzinska Joanna , Junik Roman

One of the important proangiogenic factors involved in the growth of normal and neoplastic tissues is vascular endothelial growth factor VEGF.Therefore we hypothesized, that serum VEGF concentration would differ between patients with metastatic and non-metastatic thyroid cancer, with multinodular goiter and healthy subjects. We also hypothesized that endogenous TSH stimulation would effect serum VEGF level. The study protocol was approved by the Ethical ...

ea0016p273 | Endocrine tumours | ECE2008

The early results of the treatment of well differentiated thyroid cancer and its dependence on chosen factors

Klubo-Gwiezdzinska Joanna , Junik Roman

The aim of the study was to estimate the influence of a thyroid remnants’ volume, postsurgical concentration of thyroglobulin and radioiodine dose on the early treatment efficacy of well differentiated thyroid cancer.Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed 91 patients (76 females, 15 men) with well differentiated thyroid cancer.Results: Histological classification revealed 68.1% (62/91) papillary thyroid cancers, 25....

ea0016p477 | Neuroendocrinology | ECE2008

Expression of ghrelin and opioid mRNAs in the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis after immune system activation

Pierzchala-Koziec Krystyna , Zubel Joanna

The activity of the hypothalamo–pituitary–adrenal axis (HPA) is under control of endocrine, nervous and immune systems, in which opioids and recently discovered ghrelin play important role. Mannan polysaccharide is often used as an alternatives to antibiotics, however, its role in the stimulation of the immune system is still uncertain. As a part of study dealing with the interaction of different factors during the growth and development the experiment was carried ou...

ea0085nep1.3 | Endocrine Symposium 3 | BSPED2022

‘Handing over the reins’- CAH and adolescence from a parent’s perspective

Hall Joanne

Joanne has two adolescent daughters with salt wasting CAH. Her talk will focus on CAH during this stage of transition and aims to inform on three areas: direct insight from her daughters on key matters for adolescents living with CAH and what they need; the changes for parents; and reflections on the long-term impact on parents raising children with CAH - how can professionals help?...