Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0081ep7 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular Endocrinology | ECE2022

A phase III trial of recombinant human growth hormone in pediatric patients with growth failure caused by chronic kidney disease

Xu Hong , Tang Xiaoshan , Shen Qian , Chen Jing , Fang Xiaoyan , Zhang Aihua , Zhao Fei , Chen Qiuxia , Huang Wenyan , Wang Ping , Sun Liwen , Xiao Huijie , Xu Ke , Liu Xiaorong , Chen Zhi , Chen Chaoying , Tu Juan , Wu Yubing , Wang Xiuli , Mao Jianhua , Lu Zhihong , Wang Jingjing , Nie Xiaojing , Yu Zihua , Huang Jun , Liu Cuihua , Cao Guanghai , Li Yufeng , Zhu Yaju , Zhang Jianjiang , Wang Miao , Wang Mo , Yang Haiping

Background and objective: Children with chronic kidney disease (CKD) have impaired growth that leads to short stature in adulthood and treatment with recombinant human growth hormone (rhGH) is associated with improved growth. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of daily rhGH (Jintropin®) in children in China with growth failure caused by CKD prior to transplantation.Methods: Prepubertal patients (2–13 years old) with CKD-relate...

ea0081p439 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2022

Coexistence of 46, XX testicular disorder of sex development and 11β-hydroxylase deficiency: In Vivo and In Vitro Studies

Sun Bang , Wang Xi , Mao Jiangfeng , Wu Xueyan , Nie Min

Background: 46, XX testicular disorder of sex development (DSD) and 11β-hydroxylase deficiency (11β-OHD) are two extremely rare types of disorder of sex development. No coexistence has been reported yet.Case Description: Here we reported the first patient diagnosed as the coexistence of 11β-OHD and 46, XX testicular DSD basing on clinical, biochemical, molecular, cytogenetic, and functional experiment findings. A 22-year-old male showed sm...

ea0029p1657 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ICEECE2012

miRNA expression of the thyroid after goiter formation and involution using different iodine regimens

Mao J. , Chong W. , Shan Z. , Teng W.

Background: Thyroid damage is known to occur during experimental iodine-induced goiter. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs regulating gene expression. Dysregulation of specific miRNAs can interfere with tissue homeostasis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the dynamic expression profiles of miRNAs during adequate or mild-excess iodine supplementation in the iodine-deficient thyroid.Methods: Hyperplastic goiter was induced ...

ea0090p702 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

A Low Incidence of Transient Anti-Drug Antibodies Is Observed Upon Long-Term Exposure to Lonapegsomatropin in Children With Growth Hormone Deficiency

Holse Mygind Per , Komirenko Allison , Mao Meng , Shu Aimee , Breinholt Vibeke M.

Objectives: Lonapegsomatropin (SKYTROFA; TransCon hGH), a prodrug of somatropin, is approved by the EMA and FDA for once-weekly treatment of pediatric growth hormone deficiency (GHD). Lonapegsomatropin uses TransCon® technology, which combines a parent drug transiently linked to an inert carrier to achieve sustained release. The characterization of anti-drug antibodies (ADAs) was assessed in 3 phase 3 trials of lonapegsomatropin in pediatric GHD.Met...

ea0090p415 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

Synchronous multiple pituitary neuroendocrine tumors (PitNETs) consisting of a null cell and PIT-1 lineage adenomas: a peculiar acromegalic case report

Bruco Alessia , Zoli Matteo , Melotti Sofia , Ribichini Danilo , Pizza Gianmarco , Mao Federico , Mazzatenta Diego , Asioli Sofia , Pagotto Uberto

Pituitary adenomas constitute the third most common intracranial neoplasm. Adenoma cells either express no hormone (null cell adenoma) or hormones of different cell lineage. About 1% of pituitary adenomas shows a plurihormonal expression pattern, which may either be attributed to one cell lineage or rarely to different cell lineages. In addition, the development of separate pituitary adenomas may be observed in 0.5–1.5% of surgical specimens and in up to 10% of autopsy ca...

ea0090p432 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2023

Design of the foresiGHt Trial: A Multicenter, Randomized, Placebo- and Active-Controlled Trial to Compare Once-Weekly Lonapegsomatropin to Placebo and Daily Somatropin in Adults with Growth Hormone Deficiency (GHD)

Gilis-Januszewska Aleksandra , Fleseriu Maria , Otto Jorgensen Jens , CJ Yuen Kevin , Hoybye Charlotte , Mao Meng , Kang Jennifer , Song Wenjie , Komirenko Allison , Shu Aimee , Beckert Michael

Background: Adult GHD results from insufficient growth hormone (GH) secretion from the anterior pituitary gland and may represent either a continuation of childhood-onset GHD or GHD acquired during adulthood. Clinically, adult GHD is associated with central adiposity, decreased lean muscle mass, increased fat mass, decreased bone mineral density, and reduced quality of life. Current standard of care consists of GH replacement via daily injections. Lonapegsomatropin (SKYTROFA; ...

ea0050p020 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2017

How accurate are urinary metanephrines in screening for phaeochromocytoma?

Walsh Joseph , Spence Kirsty , McDonnell Margaret , Graham Una

The Endocrine Society recommends urinary or plasma metanephrines as first choice screening tests for phaeochromocytoma due to their high sensitivity. Test specificity is limited by the influence of many commonly prescribed medications resulting in false positive results and additional investigations. The aims of this retrospective study were to (1) Determine the diagnostic accuracy of urinary metanephrines using current cut-off values and (2) Evaluat...

ea0050p020 | Adrenal and Steroids | SFEBES2017

How accurate are urinary metanephrines in screening for phaeochromocytoma?

Walsh Joseph , Spence Kirsty , McDonnell Margaret , Graham Una

The Endocrine Society recommends urinary or plasma metanephrines as first choice screening tests for phaeochromocytoma due to their high sensitivity. Test specificity is limited by the influence of many commonly prescribed medications resulting in false positive results and additional investigations. The aims of this retrospective study were to (1) Determine the diagnostic accuracy of urinary metanephrines using current cut-off values and (2) Evaluat...

ea0026p343 | Obesity | ECE2011

3-iodothyronamine metabolism and metabolic effects in rat white adipocytes

Manni M E , Bigagli E , Saba A , Marchini M , Zucchi R , Raimondi L

Introduction: 3-Iodothyronamine (T1AM) is a novel thyroid hormone derivative, which has been detected in rat blood and tissues. In vivo, T1AM has been reported to produce several functional effects, including the switch of fuel utilization from carbohydrates to lipids. In the present work we used rat white adipocytes to investigate T1AM uptake, metabolism, and metabolic effects.Methods: Rat white adipocytes were incubated with exogenous T1AM. The ...

ea0002p103 | Thyroid | SFE2001

Maternal hyperthyroidism disrupts neuronal development in late fetal brain

Evans I , Pickard M , Sinha A , Sampson D , Leonard A , Ekins R

Maternal hypothyroidism disrupts fetal brain development in the rat; affected parameters include several neuron-specific cytoskeletal proteins and neurotransmitter metabolic enzymes. The aim of this study was to determine whether maternal hyperthyroidism also impacts upon fetal neuronal development.Partially thyroidectomised rat dams were subcutaneously implanted with osmotic pumps to infuse either 1.5 micrograms thyroxine/100 g body weight/day (HYPER) o...