Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0090ep918 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2023

Normative Range of 17-hydroxyprogesteroneamong Indian Reproductive Age Women

Ashraf Ganie Mohd , Chowdhury Subhankar , Suri Vanita , Joshi Beena , Kumar Bhattacharya Prasanta , Agrawal Sarita , Malhotra Neena , sahay rakesh , Khadar Jabbar Puthiyaveettil , Rozati Roya , Ahmad Wani Imtiyaz , Arora Taruna , Shukla Amlin , Kulkarani Bharati

Background: Non-classic adrenal hyperplasia (NCAH), comparatively a rare disease, is characterised by mild to moderate hyperandrogenemia, hirsutism, oligomenorrhea, insulin resistance which incidentally are the hallmarks of polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)- a common disorder among reproductive aged women. The data on 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17-OHP)serum levels in NCAH has been reported globally but there is limited data available regarding the normal range among healthy Indian...

ea0035p976 | Thyroid (non-cancer) | ECE2014

Serum C-reactive protein level is a better indicator than erythrocyte sedimentation rate in assessing the severity of inflammation before initiation of glucocorticoid therapy in the sub acute thyroiditis patients

Baruah Manash , Bhattacharya Bhaskar

Background: Serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) are useful indicators of inflammation in patients with sub-acute thyroiditis. Despite the widespread use of several diagnostic tests, the purpose of this study was to compare the usefulness serum CRP and ESR in deciding which patient requires of glucocorticoid therapy.Methods: A total of 28 patients with sub-acute thyroiditis, included in this study. Serum CRP and ESR mea...

ea0022p297 | Diabetes | ECE2010

Evaluation of effect of dose and duration of treatment with metformin on serum vitamin B12 levels in type 2 diabetic patients

Harsha K P , Niveditha G , Sanjay Reddy , Kumar K M Prasanna , Shivamurthy M C

Introduction: Metformin induced impaired vitamin B12 absorption leading to fall in serum cobalamin levels has been described in literature as early as 1971. Approximately 10% of patients and in some studies 30% of patients on metformin therapy developed metformin related cobalamin deficiency. The risk of cobalamin deficiency is comparatively more among patients with vegetarian diet than in non-vegetarians.Objective: To evaluate the effect of dose and dur...

ea0091p34 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2023

Fertility options for a rare cause of primary amenorrhea

Chirila-Berbentea Veronica , Bhattacharya Beas

Section 1: Case history: A 17 year old lady who was referred to our endocrinology clinic due to primary amenorrhoea in 2019. She had well-established secondary sexual characteristics and hyperprolactinaemia. Patient mentioned one episode of PV bleed when she was about 10 years old. Section 2: Investigations: Bloods (Feb2020) showed: FSH: 6.2 IU/l; LH: 5.1IU/l; prolactin 1.048 mIU/l; testosterone 1.3 nmol/l. MRI pituitary: lipoma of corpus calosum and pit...

ea0091p39 | Poster Presentations | SFEEU2023

An unusual case of neuropathy

Chirila-Berbentea Veronica , Bhattacharya Beas

Case history: This 28 year old lady with a new diagnosis of T1DM (April 22) and uveitis complained of severe pain over the trunk described as a burning sensation but not associated with any neurological deficit. There is no history of head trauma, neck trauma or radiation to head and neck area and no skin changes or spinal deformity. She has developed this pain after starting insulin in April 22. Investigations: May 22: Hb 119, MCV: 85.0; U&Es:normal...

ea0094p313 | Adrenal and Cardiovascular | SFEBES2023

An unusual cause of secondary HTN

Chirila-Berbentea Veronica , Bhattacharya Beas

We present the case of a 32-year-old gentleman who was reviewed in the endocrinology clinic for hypogonadotropic hypogonadism and he was investigated for persistent HTN. His only symptoms were anxiety and palpitations. We have controlled his blood pressure with doxazosin 10 mg BD and bisoprolol 1.25 mg OD. Investigations: bloods (Jan 23) normetanephrine:3,460 picomole/l, metanephrine:120 picomole/l, aldo/renin ratio: 92, TSH 2.3, prolactin 307, IGF-1: 26,6, testosterone: 5,9 n...

ea0038p28 | Clinical biochemistry | SFEBES2015

Where are the endocrinologists?

Broughton Chloe , Ahmed Shaza , Bhattacharya Beas

Introduction: Hyponatraemia is defined as serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/l. It is the most common electrolyte disorder encountered in clinical practise. It is associated with an increase in mortality and length of stay, independent of diagnosis and clinical variables. Despite this it is often inadequately investigated and poorly managed. As a number of endocrine conditions can cause hyponatraemia, endocrinologists often have the necessary clinical skills and expertis...

ea0038p36 | Clinical biochemistry | SFEBES2015

Inhibiting more than the proton pump

Broughton Chloe , Ahmed Shaza , Bhattacharya Beas

Introduction: Hyponatraemia is defined as serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/l. It is the most common electrolyte disorder encountered in clinical practise (1). Proton pump inhibitors (PPI’s) are commonly prescribed in the UK, and the indication and duration of treatment is often not reviewed.Methods: A retrospective audit was performed of patients admitted to The Great Western Hospital (GWH) with a serum sodium of 127 mmol/l or less on admiss...

ea0038p62 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

Nothing to ‘sea’ here: turning a blind eye to hyponatraemia

Broughton Chloe , Ahmed Shaza , Bhattacharya Beas

Introduction: Hyponatraemia is defined as serum sodium concentration <135 mmol/l. It is the most common electrolyte disorder encountered in clinical practise. It is associated with an increase in mortality and length of stay, independent of diagnosis and clinical variables. Despite this it is often inadequately investigated and poorly managed.Methods: A retrospective audit was performed of patients admitted to The Great Western Hospital (GWH) serum s...

ea0038p94 | Clinical practice/governance and case reports | SFEBES2015

Do guidelines improve the diagnosis and investigation of hyponatraemia?

Broughton Chloe , Lucas Emily , Bhattacharya Beas

Introduction: Hyponatraemia is common and associated with significant morbidity and mortality. However, it’s often not recognised as a serious diagnosis and therefore inadequately investigated and poorly managed. An audit of the management of patients admitted to The Great Western Hospital (GWH) with hyponatraemia confirmed these problems. A hyponatraemia guideline was produced in order to improve diagnosis, investigation, and management of patients with hyponatraemia.</p...