ea0063p410 | Adrenal and Neuroendocrine Tumours 2 | ECE2019
Amodru Vincent , Taieb David , Guerin Carole , Paladino Nuncia Cinzia , Brue Thierry , Sebag Frederic , Castinetti Frederic
ea0037s12.3 | Advances in phaeochromocytoma diagnosis and management (<emphasis role="italic">Endorsed by the European Journal of Endocrinology</emphasis>) | ECE2015
ea0032s2.3 | Cushing's Disease with negative pituitary imaging | ECE2013
ea0026s17.1 | Pituitary update | ECE2011
ea0090p539 | Late-Breaking | ECE2023
Sahakian Nicolas , Romanet Pauline , Cinzia Paladino Nunzia , Mirebeau-Prunier Delphine , Castinetti Frederic , Barlier Anne
ea0035p875 | Pituitary Clinical (<emphasis role="italic">Generously supported by IPSEN</emphasis>) | ECE2014
Albarel Frederique , Castinetti Frederic , Morange Isabelle , Conte-Devolx Bernard , Guibert Nicolas , Dufour Henry , Brue Thierry
Castinetti Frederic , Simon Nicolas , Ouliac Floriane , Lesavre Nathalie , Brue Thierry , Oliver Charles
ea0020p576 | Neuroendocrinology, Pituitary and Behaviour | ECE2009
Albarel Frederique , Castinetti Frederic , Morange Isabelle , Dubois Noemie , Dufour Henry , Conte-Devolx Bernard , Brue Thierry
ea0073aep844 | Late Breaking | ECE2021
Fourneaux Rachel , Marie Vermalle , Albarel Frederique , Morange Isabelle , Graillon Thomas , Amodru Vincent , Cuny Thomas , Dufour Henry , Brue Thierry , Castinetti Frederic
ea0090oc11.4 | Oral Communications 11: Late Breaking | ECE2023
Manon Fafin , Mohammedi Kamel , Bertherat Jerome , Raverot Gerald , DRUI Delphine , Yves Reznik , Castinetti Frederic , Chanson Philippe , Corentin Rouvray , Amandine Galioot , Brossaud Julie , Tabarin Antoine