ea0065op4.1 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2019
Oungpasuk Kanapath , Hadjiminas Demetrios , Tolley Neil , Robinson Stephen , Cox Jeremy
ea0081p505 | Late-Breaking | ECE2022
Kapoor Ashutosh , Sharma Bhavna , Sriranganathan Danujan , Tolley Neil , Dimarco Aimee , Rahman Mushtaqur
ea0021p219 | Endocrine tumours and neoplasia | SFEBES2009
Worth Gabriella , Palazzo Fausto , Tolley Neil , Robinson Stephen , Cox Jeremy , Williams Graham , Bassett Duncan
ea0073aep662 | Thyroid | ECE2021
Jones Larissa , Khan Shaila , Tolley Neil , Palazzo Fausto , Cox Jeremy , Agha-Jaffar Rochan , Robinson Stephen
ea0094op4.1 | Thyroid | SFEBES2023
Yang Wei , Palazzo Fausto , Tolley Neil , Dimarco Aimee , Brady Angela , Tan Tricia
ea0059p208 | Thyroid | SFEBES2018
Ellatif Mostafa , Idowu Oluwagbemiga , Khalid Neelam , Darko Daniel , Lingam Ravi , Tran Tan , Tolley Neil , Khatri Pushpa , Muralidhara Koteshwara
ea0025p318 | Thyroid | SFEBES2011
Sam Amir H , Dhillo Waljit S , Donaldson Mandy , Moolla Ahmad , Meeran Karim , Tolley Neil S , Palazzo Fausto
ea0077p162 | Bone and Calcium | SFEBES2021
Sharma Bhavna , Qureshi Asjid , Rahman Mushtaqar , Tolley Neil , Thakker Rajesh , Hui Elaine , Seechurn Shivshankar , Remedios Denis , Seetho Ian , Deore Mahesh , Mantega Michele , Mateen Abdul
ea0094oc7.5 | Thyroid | SFEBES2023
Singh Ainesh , Agha-Jaffar Rochan , Cox Jeremy , Madani Gitta , Bhatia Kunwar , Moonim Mufaddal , Wernig Florian , Di Marco Aimee , Palazzo Fausto , Robinson Stephen , Tolley Neil