Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0081ep1214 | Late Breaking | ECE2022

EBV-associated lymphoepithelioma like carcinoma of thyroid : a case report

Dounia Talbi , Echchad Lamia , Rifai Kaoutar , Iraqui Hinde , El Hassan Gharbi Mohamed

Introduction: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a well-known human tumor virus with a very high prevalence in the population, this virus is associated with epithelial and lymphoid malignancies, including lymphoepithelioma carcinoma of thyroid. This subtype of thyroid carcinoma is characterized by histologic features similar to those of undifferentiated carcinoma of the thyroid. Case Report: A 17-year-old male patient, his medical and family histories were non-...

ea0090ep1077 | Thyroid | ECE2023

surprise or evil hidden behind a toxic thyroid nodule: about a case

Riznat Malak , Srifi Hajar , Kaoutar Rifai , Iraqui Hind , Mohamed Hassan Gharbi

Introduction: Thyroid TB is rare even in endemic countries, and diagnosis is often delayed by atypical presentation and clinical latency. Rarely, if ever, does a tumor and infection form in the same thyroid nodule We report the case of a subject who was followed for a hot nodule and who was found to be both thyroid tuberculosis and tumor damage.Observation: This is a 59 year old patient vaccinated against BCG, with no histrory of pulmonary or extrapulmon...

ea0081ep193 | Calcium and Bone | ECE2022

Late hypocalcaemia complicating the management of papillary thyroid carcinoma

Abidi Ihssane , Rifai Kaoutar , Hinde Iraqi , Gharbi Mohamedelhassan

Introduction: COVID-19 is a pandemic related to SARS-COV-2 virus infection. It is most often manifested by an influenza-like syndrome with other symptoms that are more specific such as loss of smell and taste.Its severity is highly variable, ranging from asymptomatic to severe or prolonged forms.We report the case of a 47-year-old female patient, who is being followed for hypoparathyroidism, who developed severe and persistent cram...

ea0081ep240 | Calcium and Bone | ECE2022

Post covid 19 vaccine cramps in a patient followed for hypoparathyroidism: who is to charge?

Abidi Ihssane , Rifai Kaoutar , Hinde Iraqi , Gharbi Mohamedelhassan

Introduction: COVID-19 is a pandemic related to SARS-COV-2 virus infection. It is most often manifested by an influenza-like syndrome with other symptoms that are more specific such as loss of smell and taste.Its severity is highly variable, ranging from asymptomatic to severe or prolonged forms.We report the case of a 47-year-old female patient, who is being followed for hypoparathyroidism, who developed severe and persistent cramps after the COVID-19 vaccine.<p class="ab...

ea0081ep586 | Endocrine-Related Cancer | ECE2022

Papillary thyroid carcinoma and cervical cancer: what is the link?

Abidi Ihssane , Rifai Kaoutar , Hinde Iraqi , Gharbi Mohamedelhassan

Introduction: Papillary thyroid carcinoma is the most common form of thyroid cancer. It is differentiated, slow growing and usually has a good prognosis. Its risk factors are not all identified; we note exposure to radiation, particularly ionising radiation, and certain genetic mutations which are currently being explored. The aim of our work is to study the relationship between papillary thyroid carcinoma and cervical cancer.Observation: We report the c...

ea0081ep605 | Endocrine-Related Cancer | ECE2022

The combination of medullary thyroid carcinoma and sporadic clear cell renal cell carcinoma: coincidence or new syndrome?

Abidi Ihssane , Rifai Kaoutar , Hinde Iraqi , Gharbi Mohamedelhassan

Introduction: COVID-19 is a pandemic related to SARS-COV-2 virus infection. It is most often manifested by an influenza-like syndrome with other symptoms that are more specific such as loss of smell and taste. Its severity is highly variable, ranging from asymptomatic to severe or prolonged forms. We report the case of a 47-year-old female patient, who is being followed for hypoparathyroidism, who developed severe and persistent cramps after the COVID-19 vaccine.<p class="...

ea0081ep803 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2022

Hashimoto’s encephalopathy : a case report

Mhamdi Zineb , Rifai Kaoutar , Iraqi Hinde , Gharbi Mohamed Hassan

Introduction: Hashimoto’s encephalopathy or SREAT (steroid-responsive encephalopathy associated with auto-immune thyroiditis) is a rare autoimmune disorder that is particularly corticosensitive and whose pathogenesis remains poorly understood. It is associated with high levels of antithyroid antibodies in plasma and/or CSF. Clinical manifestations are deceptive and may include cognitive and behavioral disturbances, seizures or abnormal movements.Cas...

ea0081ep1158 | Thyroid | ECE2022

The combination of multi-nodular goiter and Thevenard’s disease: about 3 familial cases

Abidi Ihssane , Rifai Kaoutar , Hinde Iraqi , Gharbi Mohamed Elhassan

Introduction: Thevenard’s disease is a sensory neuropathy with a type of ulcerative-mutilating acropathy of progressive course. It has a hereditary character with autosomal dominant inheritance. It is a scarce disease, which usually affects feet but can also affect hands. It causes disorders of thermoalgesic sensitivity, leading to painless ulcerations at the pressure points and then bone deformities with osteoarticular destruction and ‘cubic foot‘ appearance. R...

ea0090ep940 | Reproductive and Developmental Endocrinology | ECE2023

Testicular Regression Syndrome: A Case Report

Amira Ikram , Azriouil Manal , Rifai Kaoutar , Hinde Iraqi , Gharbi Mohamedelhassan

Introduction: Testicular regression syndrome is defined as partial or complete absence of testicular tissue in the presence of a normal 46,XY male karyotype. This syndrome is very rare with an estimated prevalence of 1 case/20.000 males. Here we decribe a case of a testicular regression syndrome in an 18 years old patient. Case Report : We report the case of an 18 years old male patient followed for testicular regression syndrome since the age of 2, whic...

ea0099ep171 | Environmental Endocrinology | ECE2024

Unraveling the connection between celiac disease and autoimmune endocrinopathies: a comprehensive review of 18 cases"

Echchad Lamya , Kaoutar Rifai , Hinde Iraqi , Mohamed El Hassan Gharbi

Introduction: Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder related to gluten ingestion in genetically predisposed individuals. Its clinical expression is polymorphic, rendering it a true systemic disease, and its management is based on a gluten-free diet (GFD). Autoimmune endocrinopathies are disorders affecting endocrine glands such as the thyroid or adrenal glands, also stemming from autoimmune reactions with complex pathophysiological mechanisms involving environmental, genetic...