Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0092op-02-04 | Oral Session 2: Thyroid hormone action in the brain | ETA2023

Unravelling the effects of the effect of mutant thrß in cortical neuron differentiation

Rurale Giuditta , Bossolasco Patrizia , Campi Irene , Silani Vincenzo , Persani Luca

Patients with resistance to thyroid hormone β (RTHβ) often display a neurocognitive phenotype, but the underlying biological defects have not been characterized. The predominant receptor isoform expressed in brain tissue is TRα1 leading to the assumption that this receptor accounts for most of the T3 effects. Nevertheless, TRα and TRβ are both expressed in brain therefore our study aims to understand the impact of a mutant THRβ on TH action in the...

ea0081rc11.3 | Rapid Communications 11: Thyroid 2 | ECE2022

Is the pre-conceptional TSH optimization useful in women submitted to assisted reproduction technology?

Maria Vannucchi Guia , Campi Irene , Cagnina Serena , Covelli Danila , Persani Luca , Mignini Renzini Mario , Fugazzola Laura

Background: thyroid function (TSH levels) and thyroid autoimmunity are involved in the immunomodulation of early pregnancy stages and can affect assisted reproductive technology (ART).Aims: 1) to evaluate if pre-conceptional TSH is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, 2) to identify a TSH cut-off significantly associated with risk of miscarriage, 3) to assess the impact of TSH levels on primary and surrogate outcomes.M...

ea0081p689 | Pituitary and Neuroendocrinology | ECE2022

Peculiar presentation of a TSH-secreting pituitary adenoma: a possible new multiple endocrine syndrome?

Goggi Giovanni , Campi Irene , Delle Donne Elisa , Moro Mirella , Guizzardi Fabiana , Bonomi Marco , Persani Luca

Introduction: TSH-secreting pituitary adenomas (TSHomas) are a rare cause of central hyperthyroidism, accounting for less than 1% of all pituitary adenomas, with a prevalence in the general population of 1-2 cases per million.Case Presentation: A 45-year-old female patient presented in 2009 with hypertension and tachycardia: blood tests revealed an inappropriately normal TSH with high fT3/fT4 levels and primary hyperaldosteronism. She declined further in...

ea0084ps2-06-48 | Hypothyroidism Treatment | ETA2022

Pseudomalabsorption of levothyroxine: munchausen’s syndrome, compliance defects or fraud?

Campi Irene , Carrara Silvia , Federici Silvia , Trevisan Matteo , Persani Luca , Fugazzola Laura

Objectives: Factitious disorder imposed on self or Munchausen’s syndrome (MS), is a psychiatric disorder in which physical symptoms are intentionally produced without any practical benefit. Patients with MS represent a diagnostic dilemma as laboratory and clinical results can be inconsistent with the history and physical exam. The aim of this study was to evaluate the role of the levothyroxine overload test to differentiate MS from malabsorption and to treat life-threaten...

ea0084ps3-13-118 | Pregnancy & Iodine | ETA2022

Which is the best pre-conceptional TSH cut-off in women submitted to assisted reproductive technology?

Vannucchi Guia , Campi Irene , Cagnina Serena , Covelli Danila , Mignini Renzini Mario , Persani Luca , Fugazzola Laura

TSH is involved in the immunomodulation of early pregnancy stages. Thyroid guidelines have indicated 2.5 mU/l as the best TSH level below which women undergoing assisted reproductive technology (ART) need to be maintained, though this treshold is still controversial. Aims of the present study were to evaluate if pre-conceptional TSH is associated with an increased risk of miscarriage, to identify a TSH cut-off significantly associated with risk of miscarriage and to assess the...

ea0090ep1085 | Late Breaking | ECE2023

A case of Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease in a young woman with arterial hypertension

Morelli Valentina , Favero Vittoria , Campi Irene , Guizzardi Fabiana , Aresta Carmen , Persani Luca

Primary pigmented nodular adrenocortical disease (PPNAD) is a rare form of ACTH-independent Cushing’s syndrome (CS). Approximately 30% of patients with PPNAD are sporadic cases and the other are familial. We describe a case of a patient affected by PPNAD presenting with isolated arterial hypertension. A 19-year-old black female patient was referred to the Endocrinology Unit in september-2021 due to severe arterial hypertension and fatigue. Previous clinical history was un...

ea0020p120 | Thyroid | ECE2009

Seasonal occurrence of Graves’ disease and associated orbitopathy at diagnosis

Campi Irene , Vannucchi Guia , Covelli Danila , Curro Nicola , Dazzi Davide , Beck-Peccoz Paolo , Salvi Mario

A seasonal occurrence of Graves’ disease (GD) has been reported in previous studies, with a peak of frequency in the warmer half of the year (Ford 1988, 1991, Westphal 1994) or the period of the year with a higher iodine intake (Phillips 1985); other studies (Facciani 2000) have failed to find a different seasonal occurrence of Graves’ orbitopathy (GO). Aim of the present study was to evaluate a possible seasonal difference in the onset of GD and GO in a series of ou...

ea0101op-02-04 | Oral Session 2: Thyroid hormone action in the brain | ETA2024

Exploring the role of TRβ in the process of cortical neuron differentiation

Rurale Giuditta , Ghiandai Viola , Bossolasco Patrizia , Campi Irene , Benzoni Patrizia , Silani Vincenzo , Persani Luca

Thyroid hormone (TH) action is required for the adequate brain development. While TRα1 is recognized as the predominant receptor mediating most of these effects in brain tissue, the expression of both TRα and TRβ during development prompts further examination on their respective role. The study aims to investigate the role of TRβ during cortical neuron differentiation, taking advantage of induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) obtained from patients with re...

ea0063gp81 | Thyroid Autoimmune Disorders | ECE2019

Retrospective analysis of the efficacy of three different dose regimens of rituximab in patients with active moderate-severe graves’ orbitopathy

Lazzaroni Elisa , Covelli Danila , Campi Irene , Vannucchi Guia , Curro Nicola , Pirola Giacinta , Guastella Claudio , Dolci Alessia , Arosio Maura , Salvi Mario

Aim: The aim of this retrospective study was to assess the efficacy of different doses of rituximab (RTX) in patients with active moderate-severe Graves’ Orbitopathy (GO).Methods: Overall 40 patients, 5 M/35 F; mean age (± S.D.) 58±11 years were treated with RTX; 21 were smokers. The patients received the following treatment: 14 patients (group 1) a single 100 mg dose; 15 patients (group 2) a single 500 mg dose and 11 Patien...

ea0037gp.27.05 | Thyroid – hyperthyroidism and treatment | ECE2015

Effect of a very low dose of rituximab on active moderate–severe Graves' orbitopathy: an interim report

Vannucchi Guia , Campi Irene , Covelli Danila , Curro Nicola , Dazzi Davide , Avignone Sabrina , Sina Clara , Guastella Claudio , Pignataro Lorenzo , Salvi Mario

Previous studies have shown that Rituximab (RTX) is effective as a disease modifying drug at doses of 500 mg or 1000×2 mg in active Graves’ orbitopathy (GO). We have conducted a pilot study (EUDRACT 2012-001980-53) in which patients with active moderate-severe GO were treated with a single infusion of low dose RTX (100 mg). Ten patients were enrolled of whom seven completed the study at 52 weeks. Five patients did not respond to a previous treatment with i.v. methylp...