Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0084op-09-43 | Oral Session 9: Thyroid Cancer Clinical | ETA2022

Novel somatic mutations in sporadic MTC (spMTC); clinical utility of NGS in precision medicine

Simeakis George , Romei Cristina , Ciampi Raffaele , Ramone Teresa , Saltiki Katerina , Elisei Rossella , Alevizaki Maria

Objectives: Distant metastases in MTC adversely affect disease prognosis. Somatic mutations in spMTC as well as Variant Allele Frequency (VAF) have been related to tumor burden, disease course and the response to TKIs. The aim of this study is to report three cases of nucleotide (nt) insertions/deletions (indels) in the RET oncogene in relation to disease course/response to TKIs.Methods: Of 195 spMTC patients followed-up in Dept. Clinical Therap...

ea0084ps3-14-126 | Thyroid Cancer CLINICAL 2 | ETA2022

The prognostic role of chromosomal gains and loss in sporadic medullary thyroid carcinoma

Ramone Teresa , Ciampi Raffaele , Casalini Roberta , Valetto Angelo , Bertini Veronica , Piaggi Paolo , Elisei Rossella , Romei Cristina

Background: Human cancer is characterized by the accumulation of somatic alterations including base substitutions, indels, structural rearrangements and somatic copy number alteration (CNA), either gain or loss, of chromosomes that can be responsible either for initiation and/or cancer progression. About 80% of Sporadic Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (sMTC) harbor RET or RAS somatic alterations with a negative prognostic role for the presence of the RET mutation; a few s...

ea0063gp263 | Thyroid Nodules and Cancer 2 | ECE2019

Predictive factors of short and long-term vandetanib response in locally advanced or metastatic medullary thyroid cancer: a single center experience

Valerio Laura , Bottici Valeria , Matrone Antonio , Tacito Alessia , Romei Cristina , Piaggi Paolo , Elisei Rossella

Objectives: Vandetanib (V) is an important drug in the metastatic medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) treatment. The objective of this study was to evaluate the presence of predictors of V response, in short and long period, in locally advanced or metastatic MTC patients (pts).Methods: Seventy-nine locally advanced or metastatic MTC pts with progressive or symptomatic disease, referred to our Center between 2007 and 2018 and already treated surgically and wit...

ea0020oc1.1 | Endocrine Tumours | ECE2009

Optimizing time of prophylactic surgery in ret gene carriers on the basis of serum calcitonin

Elisei Rossella , Romei Cristina , Bottici Valeria , Cosci Barbara , Renzini Guilia , Molinaro Eleonora , Agate Laura , Pinchera Aldo

Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2) is characterized by the presence of medullary thyroid cancer (MTC) and other benign pathologies. RET mutations are responsible of this disease and their screening is a very sensitive tool for the identification of gene carriers (GC).Aim of this study was to verify the relevance of the basal and pentagastrin (Pg) stimulated serum calcitonin (CT) in the decision to perform TT in GC. We reviewed data of 65 GC foun...

ea0092op-04-05 | Oral Session 4: Young Investigators / Clinical and Translational | ETA2023

Active surveillance: a feasible option for indeterminate thyroid nodules

Ghirri Arianna , Prete Alessandro , Ramone Teresa , Romei Cristina , Rago Teresa , Elisei Rossella , Molinaro Eleonora

Introduction: The surgical approach is the first line treatment for patients with an indeterminate nodule, both without and with nuclear atypia (TIR3A and TIR3B, respectively, as defined by Italian Consensus for thyroid cytology). However, there are no prospective studies about the feasibility of active surveillance in patients with indeterminate thyroid nodules.Methods: Eighty-six consecutive patients who decided to undergo active surveillance for at le...

ea0092ps3-28-02 | Translational 2 | ETA2023

Hypothesizing a role of ret hyperactivation on weight control in patients with type 2A multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN2A)

Prete Alessandro , Gambale Carla , Piaggi Paolo , Romei Cristina , Cappagli Virginia , Bottici Valeria , Elisei Rossella , Matrone Antonio

Introduction: RET gene is responsible for various human cancers and is mutated and hyperactivated in nearly 100% of familial (germline mutation) and in about 60% of sporadic (somatic mutation) MTC cases. Moreover, RET gene play a role in several physiologic and pathologic conditions. Very recently, the hyperfunction of RET was found to be a key process in weight loss. The hypothesis is that in a peculiar population in which RET gene is mutated and constitutively activated from...

ea0101ps1-06-06 | Thyroid cancer treatment | ETA2024

Molecular profile can influence the PFS in radioiodine-refractory thyroid cancer patients treated with lenvatinib

Minaldi Elisa , Ramone Teresa , Ciampi Raffaele , Romei Cristina , Torregrossa Liborio , Gambale Carla , Matrone Antonio , Elisei Rossella

Objectives: Limited and conflicting data exist regarding mutational profiles and clinical responses to tyrosine-kinase inhibitors (TKI) in advanced radioiodine refractory thyroid cancer (RAIR-TC). The role of BRAF/RAS mutational status on progression-free survival (PFS) in patients treated with lenvatinib is controversial. This study aims to assess the impact of genetic profiles on clinical responses to lenvatinib in RAIR-TC.Materials and methods: We ana...

ea0084op-09-45 | Oral Session 9: Thyroid Cancer Clinical | ETA2022

The phenotype correlated with RET V804 germline mutation is characterized by the presence of medullary thyroid cancer alone

Romei Cristina , Ramone Teresa , Casalini Roberta , Ciampi Raffaele , Matrone Antonio , Cappagli Virginia , Bottici Valeria , Molinaro Eleonora , Elisei Rossella

Background: Genotype-phenotype correlations between various RET mutations and clinical manifestations of MEN 2 syndrome are well established. A discussion is still open if the FMTC phenotype really exists or if it is just a MEN2A variant. Aim of this study was to verify if the phenotype corresponding to the V804M germline mutation is restricted to FMTC.Methods: During the last 25 years, we have identified 200 families with a hereditary form of M...

ea0084ps3-15-140 | Thyroid Cancer Diagnosis & Treatment | ETA2022

Basal calcitonin as guide for an early and safe thyroid surgery in RET gene carriers

Prete Alessandro , Gambale Carla , Bottici Valeria , Cappagli Virginia , Matrone Antonio , Materazzi Gabriele , Basolo Fulvio , Romei Cristina , Elisei Rossella

Introduction: Virtually all familial cases of Medullary Thyroid Carcinoma (MTC) have a RET germline mutation. Subjects harboring RET germline mutation without unaware of their condition are defined gene carriers (GC). Thyroid surgery timing is decided upon RET mutation and calcitonin levels (both basal, bCT, and stimulated, sCT). However, bCT and sCT thresholds for planning thyroid surgery have not been established, yet.Methods...

ea0063gp84 | Thyroid Nodules and Cancer | ECE2019

Polygenic susceptibility to papillary thyroid cancer: detection of the main genetic signature in Italian patients

Brigante Giulia , Lazzaretti Clara , Paradiso Elia , Foersti Asta , Hemminki Kari , Elisei Rossella , Romei Cristina , Simoni Manuela , Landi Stefano , Casarini Livio

Introduction and aim: Thyroid cancer is the most common endocrine neoplasia affecting 0.2–1.5% of the individuals worldwide and its incidence is increasing [1]. Papillary thyroid carcinoma (PTC) is the main histotype (80–90%). PTC susceptibility is the result of genetic predisposition, environmental factors and lifestyle. We hypothesized that genetic predisposition to PTC is poligenic and characterized by a genetic signature involving combinations of genes previously...