Searchable abstracts of presentations at key conferences in endocrinology

ea0022p835 | Thyroid | ECE2010

Hypothyroidism related to tyrosine kinase inhibitors: an underdiagnosed disorder?

Azevedo Teresa , Martinho Mariana , Martins Teresa , Dias Florbela , Cunha Nuno , Valido Frederico , Gervasio Helena , Rodrigues Fernando

Introduction: Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitors (TKIs) are approved for the treatment of several cancers and can induce hypothyroidism by unclarified mechanisms.Objectives: To assess the prevalence of hypothyroidism in patients treated with TKIs.Methods: Retrospective review of clinical records of patients treated with TKIs in our institution between 2003 and 2009. We evaluated parameters such as sex, oncologic pathology, TKI used, TSH an...

ea0022p836 | Thyroid | ECE2010

Procalcitonin: a promising role in medullary thyroid carcinoma?

Azevedo Teresa , Martinho Mariana , Martins Teresa , Cunha Nuno , Valido Frederico , Rodrigues Fernando

Introduction: Procalcitonin (PCT) is currently used as a sepsis marker. Studies have shown that this prohormone is elevated in patients with medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) and, additionally, that its assay could have less limitation than calcitonin (CT).Objective: To evaluate the concordance between the values of CT and PCT.Methods: CT, PCT and carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) were measured in a total of 57 subjects. CEA and CT we...

ea0022p862 | Thyroid | ECE2010

Clinical and histopathologial characteristics of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma (PTMC)

Rodrigues Elisabete , Sousa Ana , Lima Luis Matos , Pimenta Amadeu , Medina Jose Luis

Introduction: The recognition of thyroid microcarcinoma has been increasing in recent years probably as a result of the widespread use of ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsies (FNAB) of small non palpable nodules and possibly of a more extensive histological examination.Objectives: To describe clinical and histological characteristics of papillary thyroid microcarcinoma and compare them according to its size (< or ≥5 mm).<p clas...

ea0020p37 | Adrenal | ECE2009

Pheochromocytoma: a retrospective study on clinical presentation, management and outcomes

Martinho Mariana , Paiva Isabel , Carrilho Francisco , Fagulha Ana , Santos Jacinta , Vieira Alexandra , Rodrigues Fernando , Carvalheiro Manuela

Pheochromocytomas are rare, catecholamine-secreting, adrenal neoplasms. In about 25% of cases they arise in patients with germline mutations. Malignancy occurs in about 10%.We retrospectively analysed the records of patients with histological diagnosis of pheochromocytoma submitted to adrenal surgery between 1987–2008 and followed in the Endocrinology department.Thirteen patients were included. We evaluated age on diagnosis; c...

ea0020p582 | Neuroendocrinology, Pituitary and Behaviour | ECE2009

Immunoassay determination of macroprolactin in hyperprolactinemic patients: an interassay comparative study

Martinho Mariana , Martinho Teresa , Cunha Nuno , Curado Fatima , Gomes Leonor , Valido Frederico , Naidenov Plamen , Rodrigues Fernando

Prolactin is mainly found in the monomeric form although it can also occur in the big-PRL and bigbigPRL (bbPRL) form: a complex of prolactin and immunoglobulin G. The latter has reduced bioactivity despite maintaining its imunorreactivity. This can cause false positive results representing the main cause of interassay variability in prolactin measurement. It should therefore be considered in every study concerning hyperprolactinemia. We aimed to evaluate the prevalence of bbPR...

ea0016p459 | Neuroendocrinology | ECE2008

Effect of cholescytokinin (CCK) on food intake and brainstem and hypothalamic neuronal activation and its modulation by glucocorticoid

Sabino Henrique , Uchoa Ernani , Rorato Rodrigo , Antunes-Rodrigues Jose , Elias Lucila

CCK, secreted from duodenal cells in response to nutrients is involved in the satiety mechanisms, via activation of nucleus tractus solitarius (NTS). The arcuate (ARC) and paraventricular nuclei (PVN), which receives projections from NTS, integrate the circuitry that controls food intake. Corticotrophin releasing factor (CRF) participates in the energy homeostasis, decreasing food intake.To evaluate the effect of glucocorticoid on feeding and neuronal ac...

ea0056gp17 | Adrenal Case reports | ECE2018

A rare cause of endocrine hypertension

Marques Bernardo , Couto Joana , Lemos Manuel , Godinho Ricardo , Martins Raquel , Santos Jacinta , Martins Teresa , Rodrigues Fernando

Introduction: Just-glomerular tumours (reninomas) are rare causes of secondary hypertension (HT). They typically present with difficult to manage-HT, hypokalemia, hyperreninemia and secondary hyperaldosteronism. They are usually small lesions (<1 cm) and are more common in adolescents or young adults. Despite being rare, they should be considered in the diagnostic approach of secondary HT, as it they are a potentially curable cause.Case report: Femal...

ea0056gp80 | Diabetes Complications | ECE2018

Self-reported low-energy fractures and associated risk factors in diabetic portuguese patients: a cross-sectional population-based study

Furtado Sofia , Rodrigues Ana , Dias Sara , Branco Jaime C , Canhao Helena

Introduction: Patients with diabetes have an increased risk of low-energy bone fractures (LEF). Traditional clinical risk factors and bone mineral densitometry underestimate LEF risk in diabetics. We aim to evaluate the frequency of LEF and associated risk factors in the diabetic Portuguese population.Methods: National, cross-sectional and population-based study to describe the prevalence of self-reported LEF in diabetic subjects over 40 years-old. Estim...

ea0056gp243 | Thyroid Cancer - Translational | ECE2018

Prognostic value of N0 classification in differentiated thyroid cancer

Marques Bernardo , Martins Raquel , Couto Joana , Santos Jacinta , Martins Teresa , Rodrigues Fernando

Introduction: The TNM classification of the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) and the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) is the most widely used thyroid cancer staging system. The 8th edition was published in 2016 and introduced modifications to the N0 classification. Histological analysis is no longer necessary for patients to be classified as N0, as long as there is no evidence of lymph node (LN) metastasis in the preoperative imaging tests or clinical eva...

ea0056p257 | Calcium &amp; Vitamin D metabolism | ECE2018

Primary hyperparathyroidism after thyroid surgery and autotransplantion of parathyroid gland

Marques Bernardo , Martins Raquel , Couto Joana , Santos Jacinta , Martins Teresa , Rodrigues Fernando

Introduction: Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2A syndrome (MEN 2A) is caused by a germline mutation in the RET proto-oncogene and its phenotype includes medullary thyroid cancer, pheochromocytoma and primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT). Parathyroid reimplantation in the sternocleidomastoid muscle or in the brachioradial muscle can be performed in case of intraoperative lesion of the parathyroid glands. In some cases, PHPT may occur due to the proliferation of autotransplanted...